chapter 17 hurt with love

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His past

Haya POV

"Aslam Alikum "she greeted me with weak I smile awkwardly

"Walikum Salam come na"I said she come she seriously look beautiful wearing jeans with shirt which reached knee she sat I went kitchen took juice with snacks she protest but I didn't listen

"If you come before 5 min na you'll meet zaid he just went office "I said she gave me weak smile

"It's good his morning didn't spoiled"she said I confused surprised

"Huh what you sayi.."I was saying when she cut me

"Just let it be btw I come to meet you I really need your help"she said make me more confused but I quite nodded to let her finish

"Actually I lost my job last month "she said make me shocked

"What why??"

"I give them my 4 years and they bloody kick me out just like that excusing they need new talent new employees like hell "she said angrily I can understand her feeling

May ALLAH help her

"I tried alot but I didn't get job and now my all savings finished I don't know what I will do "she said I put hand on her shoulder her eyes having tears she really look needy

"Don't worry ALLAH help you but what can I do for you in this"I said she signed then nervously played with her fingers

"Can you ..I mean.."

"Say na I love to help you " I said

"Actually please talk with zaid na to give me job in his office not on request base but on qualification and experience base his company want qualified experience textile designer " she said Make me confused I already know there is something happen in past between them and now I'm restless

That's it

"Zara please don't take me wrong don't you think you should talk to him not me as you guys cousin and best friends too" I said straight to the point I'm fed up I want to know what reason behind there behave weird

Zara look nervous sudden my outspoken

"Umm nothing it's just i think to .."she about to give me some stupid reason that she think I should ask first you and all I cut her

"Stop it Zara I know there is another reason and connected from past so don't excuse okay just tell me truth" I said quite strong tone but

I really want to know the reason everyone took her name then quite I don't want to disturb zaid and not want to force him but I also don't want any stupid negative thoughts by thinking what which effect us

She look shocked surprised by my tone and guess

"It's not my place"she said low tone

"Please Zara I want to know I only didn't asked zaid because I don't want to disturb him or upset him that's why I'm asking you" I explained her calmly not want to throw my frustration

It's really irritating me

"But I don't want to create any misunderstanding between .."

"You can't ..." I cut her strength

"No one come between me not you not anyone I'm not gonna let that happen this ever INSHALLAH and about misunderstanding our relationship is more than husband wife he is my only best friend I understand him as well he is my life my love my companion so I don't think a minor past can affect us I will not let it happen" I cleared her out

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