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the epilogue will be pregnancy journey of haya and zaid i make it in leap of months i hopw ypu enjoy

4th months

Zaid POV

Life is so beautiful MASHALLAH I can't thankful my ALLAH SWT for giving me everything my family my beautiful wife with new members twins yeah you heard me right last week doctor told us it's twins I can't be more than happy like buy one get one free lol okay sorry bad one but yeah ALLAHUMDULALLAH for this blessing haya get tens for min to think how to handle them but all make her understand it will be okay don't worry be happy what ALLAH give you

Life is beautiful funny annoying some times all family really supportive taking care haya like princess handle with Care she showing all her nakhras on me family too I'm happy to take it I mean come on she having mine babies her life mentally physically totally changed she in these months her feet started swollen back pain mostly she can't sleep whole night and mood swings vomit she bear so much for our babies can't I bear her mood swings can't I awake with her make her feel comfort I don't understand those man who annoying get angry in this phase

come on man she carry your baby give her love some respect

I think in during 4 months most most beautiful phase of my life I'm become father I will have my own babies in my arms INSHALLAH

I complete my Aser salah after that I read MANZIL YASEEN went out where haya sat on sofa beside shams who drawing mom sat on other sofa with our princess in her arms yes saro and wakas in Pakistan they just come after dilvery and yeah wakas was right it's princess she's dam cute with tiny hands pink cheeks just like Saro eyes like wakas when I hold her first time my eyes got teary same goes shams time I wish I having princess also but me and haya decided doesn't matter it's princess or prince but shams and muskan always be our first kids and I know wakas saro going spoiled our child I give her name muskan because she's the reason of making everyone smile

As I went downstairs I heard haya shouting

"Appi come on I'm so much hungry yaar such a lazy women your mum buddy"she said last line to shams who nodded seriously definitely annoying Saro who making chicken wings for her suddenly craving lol

I love it she annoying me and wakas like ass off deserve it I love my wife

Proud of you baby

Btw they staying with us as baba order in serious manner to wakas stop being moron behave like son and they want enjoy with their grand children so they decide at least they stay till he buy own house and I'm so happy the jerk got sense finally

I walked toward them with smile and below YASEEN MANZIL on princess and mum then my champ shams and love and her baby bump who grown bigger so fastly

"Stop roaming around your ass husband you becoming same annoying women like him" Saro shouted coming out from kitchen with dish I glared her mom haya laughed with all heart

" pagal khany see bhagi aurat can't you see I'm her beloved husband and the coming up munchkins are mine babies I think there is lot more than roaming you know"I said with smirked making haya blushed but glared me and slaped my arm Mom try to control her laughed

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