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So here I go with another teaser....

Rd came to shiv's home for the first time in 3 moths of their partnership...

Rd : " hello mr.pratap..... how are you... "  rd said to him but his eyes were.searching for someone....

Shiv : " I am fine mr.shikhawat... Please come.. "

Rd sat but he was still searching her after an talking randomly 10 minutes he couldn't stopped himself from ....

Rd : " mr.pratap if you don't mind .. umm can I see your daughters... I mean they are adorable.. "

shiv chuckled... "off course mr.shekhawat...  you can.. in fact my wife is just coming downstairs with them.. let me just help her.."

rd was looking forward to meet them he always does but don't know why today his heart was beating rapidly he was just looking curiously at the stairs ... its like his heart was going to come out... 

he closed his eyes for a moment.. " mr.shekhawat.. "shiv called from behind... "here comes my gorgeous princesses....

he was caring both the princesses in his hand....  he was busy adoring both of them... sia was adoring rd while arya (another twin) was glaring him.. yes glaring him... she is not so fond of rd..

sia did an urge to go to rd umm for the first time actually both twin sister used to had rd.. he is still finding the reason as in this three months he had notice one thing that both the sisters are normal even better with everyone around them except him.. why who knows..

but as time goes sia melted from her anger.. and started giving him chance.. they both were Marley 2 and a half year old girls still having strong anger.. but hell adorable even with their cute angry little nose ..

rd took sia in his arms and kissed her cheeks..she giggled but soon looked at her twin sister who threw the doll she was caring with her in anger.. its like she even wanted to get pampered but being in angry mode with attitude... girls you see sometimes happens..

"sona.. kitni der??" shiv spoke loudly... "mr.shikhawat dont mind ha.. abhi tak my wife was making my babies ready so now taking little more time in getting ready.."

"biwi ke piche uski hi burai karna is very bad shiv... apse i didn't expected this..." here comes the voice from behind..

" here comes the voice from behind

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rd was freeze to hear the voice .. it might be possible he was imagining things.. how can she be here.. no no he thought..

" here comes my beautiful adorable wife..... sonakshi shiv pratap singh.." he pulled her by her shoulder and kissed her forehead.she looked at him and smiled her best..... 

rd was still stunned his breath got stucked in his throat .. he was hell like seriously hell shocked.. he looked at her features same hazel eyes,little nose,rosy plum lips...

"mr.shekhawat..."her voice again brought him back from his chain from his thoughts.. she again said.. " i said hello mr.shekhwat.. sonakshi here.." she said with a very pleasant and adorable smile...... 

 "umm san mr.pratap he hello..." he said somehow killing himslef for hundred times..

" looks like my daughter is really found of you..." she again said.. 

"umm mr.pratap.. i think i need to leave right away i have an important work i mean i forgot before just remembered now.. umm please i should take your leave... can you please hold her..." he said to shiv..

" but mr.shekhwat app abhi to aye haii.. please have dinner..... " sona said...

"no please" saying this he left before they can say anything....

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