CHAPTER THREE - Rags to Riches

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Much to both George and Charles' disbelief, their father did return. Not only did he return, he returned with a brand new carriage hauled by fresh, new horses and loaded with trunks worth of gifts.

"Father!" Kitty ran out to greet him.

Edward smiled down at his children as they exited the farmhouse.

"I am sorry it took me so long," he said, dismounting the carriage. "My time in town tied me up longer than I had anticipated."

"Did you get quite a bit out of the ship?" Abigail eyed the trunk with great interest.

"Enough," Edward said. "Do you want to unload the trunks, boys?"

The boys nodded and began unlatching and removing large trunks from the carriage. It took all three to lug even one inside, they were so laden. Kitty and Emma followed behind the boys like shadows. They were intent on inspecting the insides.

"Will-" Abigail began but Edward held his hand up to silence her.

"No more questions please, Abbie," Edward pleaded. He was the only one permitted to call Abigail by her nickname.

Abigail frowned at their father as dragged himself into the house.

"That was strange," Abigail said to Alina and Alina nodded. Their father was acting peculiar. He was glum, even after he returned with part of their fortune returned.

Abigail shook her head and headed into the house with the rest of their siblings. Alina took a deep breath of fresh, fall air before following.

The inside of the house was chaos. The girls were going through the trunks, pushing items around and claiming items as their own. The boys were eyeing the shiny new weapons and tools. They stole peaks out the windows every so often at the fine, fresh horses.

It was when Emma opened one of the trunks and coins and jewels spilled out that the siblings shouted. The room exploded in a flurry of motions.

"Father! We could move back into the city with this! We could have dowries and get married!" Emma's eyes glinting from the shining gold.

Their father said nothing. He slumped down into his favorite armchair by the fireplace. The children continued plundering the trunks; yet, Alina made her way over to their father. He seemed to look bleaker with each passing minute.

"Are you alright, Father?" Alina kneeled beside him and took his hand in her own. She noted that he did not smell of drink, for once.

"Oh Alina." Edward sighed and brought her hand up to his face. "My dear, dear girl. I am sorry; I was unable to get you the flower you requested of me."

"That's alright, Father. I understand."

Edward shut his eyes and leaned his head back against his chair, his face anguished.

"What's this?" Kitty's voice called out over the talking of her siblings.

"Looks like a flower," Charles deadpanned.

"Look, there's a note." Emma grabbed the flower from Kitty's hand. "For the youngest sister."

Startled, Alina looked from her father and towards her sisters. There, Emma was holding a single, red rose.

"I suppose that means that this is for you, then." Emma held out the flower towards Alina.

Alina shot a puzzled look toward her father. She walked over and accepted the rose from her sister.

"Well, let's put all this away and out of the entry," George spoke up and set the siblings on their tasks.

The boys hauled the trunks up the stairs to the bedrooms. They left the one filled with gold and coins downstairs for their father to deal with. Their father quietly exited to his own rooms before anyone could speak with him again. Alina frowned at the door, but made her way to the kitchen area for a vase for her rose.

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