Chapter 8

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I run away as fast as possible from that room. Is Adrianna his girlfriend or not I don't even

I run to I get to my office and I close and lock the door behind me.

What is going on and what did I get myself into. I open up my laptop to make it look like I was working because I heard the door open and footsteps.

Then he knocked on my door twice and I try to fix myself up to make it look like I was not just running up 11 flights of stairs and open the door.

He stands there with a straight face and says " did you clean up like I asked you to"

I simply reply with a nod and a fake smile.

"Alright then" he says "Well tonight is the party I will have Layla take you to the boutique now"

"Who" I ask with a confused face.
"My receptionist" he says then I say " oh okay ummm.... thanks I guess for this." He just looks away and exits my room.

I smile to myself and mentally prepare myself for this party tonight.

I think it was around 8 so I had more than enough Rome to get ready because Mr I mean Grayson was letting us all our early to get ready.


I wait in the lobby for Layla to come down and take me to this boutique downtown.

She comes and gives me a warm smile.

I give her one back and we walk out to her car.

Has a really big car. It was the newest model of the Tesla 2018

I stood there on awe and questioned if this really was her car. We both hop in and she starts the engine. After about a few minutes she says "so Zara how old are you"

" 20" I reply rather quickly. She looks at me questinally and says " you look great for your age" I blush and thank her" the. She blurts out

" Well I used to be Mr Dolan's assistant but then he depromoted me so his receptionist."

I just sit there then ask why. Before she could respond we arrived at our destination.

It was very chic and cute. It looked more like a coffee shop then a place for clothes but I didn't say anything.

We entered and a man took our stuff and escorted us to a place full of dresses.

"Well Layla your here anything your looking for in particular".

"Actually yes there is a party tonight and she needs so be dressed for it"

She says with a wink that makes me think that she might do something that I don't want to do.

I am very insecure so I hope that it is nothin to revealing.

He leads me to a dressing room and my eyes are immediately took to a red dress. I put it on and wished that I would because Layla comes in and says

"Yes this is the one thank you Matt we will take this one"

She hands who I am assuming Matt 5 100 dollar bills out of her pocket.

Jesus this lady is rich. We take the
bag and go home. She drops me off and I get home to get ready.
I get inside and take a shower and wash my hair.

My outfit

I put it on curl my hair and do my makeup

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I put it on curl my hair and do my makeup. The I get a text from Grayson saying that he will pick me up in five minutes I didn't know that he was picking me up

I put on my leather jacket and so the finishing touches and go wait in the lobby.

I hear a honk and I walk towards the black Range Rover that belonged to Grayson.

And when he saw me the look on his face sent chills down my spine.

What did Layla do?

Authors Note


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