CH 2

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The Golden path provides most fortune

The Dragon King must fix what is broken

Challenge will come from all around

The princess and the dragon must hold their ground

"I'm pleased you made it here safely." Her father told her as Amara closed the door to the solar. The privacy of the Tower of the Hand was less than ideal, but it would have to do for whatever her father needed to tell her.

"As am I father. I was told you had something important to tell me?" Amara sank into one of the chairs in front of her father's desk. A lot was riding on this visit to court going well, every father was bringing their maiden daughters to court in hopes of catching the prince's eye.

"You are of the age to marry, and have been for some time now." A pit in her stomach began to open up. Had he really called her to court to tell her she was going to marry?

"King Aerys has rejected any girl that isn't of valyrian blood. But I've convinced him that marrying within the kingdoms might win him popularity." Of course, the king would wish to win over the people who he believed would make good allies. It was then that I understood my father's intentions for bringing me here. He believed I was capable of doing whatever it took to win the king's favor.

"Am I permitted to do this by whatever means necessary?" Lord Tywin could almost smile. Amara may look as beautiful as her mother but had inherited her father's wits. None of his other children could understand and assess a situation as fast she could.

"You have my permission to do what you will. But know that your failure and disgrace will displease me." Amara knew she couldn't fail, her father didn't tolerate disappointment. She stood from her seat and exited the solar, her mind racing as it plotted ways to secure the heart of the prince. It wouldn't be easy, Princess Elia Martell had been in Kings Landing for some time and was a favorite of the king and queen. Of course, she had the old blood in her, but she was a weak and sickly girl it might play to her advantage.

Though Amara intended to head back to her chambers to write a letter to Lysander, she found herself in the gardens of the Red Keep. The day was beautiful, the smell could be easily overlooked and the peace was a welcome aspect. Though she suspected she wouldn't get much of it.

She gazed up at the sky watching as the sun shone bright and the clouds passed her by. Amara plucks a rose from a nearby bush, inhaling its scent reminded her of tending to the roses with her mother as a girl. Off the path was a balcony that overlooked Kings Landing, Amara picked up her skirts so as not to get mud on her new dress. Not that she much cared if she got a little dirty, she wasn't as lady-like as she portrayed. She rested her elbows on the cold stone as Amara laid her eyes on the not quite beautiful view, but the ant-like smallfolk below scuttling below was something to behold.

"I'm glad I'm not the only one who enjoys the view." Amara spun around at the sudden voice. Though she hid it well, she was shocked at the sight that stood before her. Rhaegar Targaryen was every bit as handsome as everyone had said. She brushed a strand of hair behind her ear and smiled, the man that stood behind the prince donned the white cloak.

"One has to enjoy the view when they see so little of it, my prince." Amara replies cooly, a charming smile appeared on her face, it was a smile that was said to bewitch and entrap men's souls. Rhaegar nods, her golden hair, green eyes, and charming smile easily identified her as one of Lord Tywin's daughters.

"I come here often to enjoy the view though of course, the smell is a little daunting. Wouldn't you agree Lady Lannister?" A laugh escapes Amara's lips. The prince certainly was charming and equally clever, but she knew anyone who knew Lord Tywin would be wary of his daughters.

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