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*Daijon's POV*

I saw that she was typing and I waited anxiously.

I'm getting dizzy and I think that I cut too much

My heart dropped into my stomach... Oh my fucking god. I went downstairs and my mom looked at me like I was crazy. "Mom my friend," I started. I couldn't talk though. I just showed her the texts. "What do I do mom!?" I looked at her.
"Call the ambulance," she nodded.
"I don't know her address, she lives on the corner of the park the guys and I always go to," I told her, panicked.
"Okay, okay," she nodded and started to call an ambulance. I looked up the address on Google Maps. I showed her the address and she told the operator. I texted Mila back.

Help is on the way...

No! I didn't want help. I'm fine.

You're not fine.

I am...

If you're dizzy you lost a lot of blood Mila, that's not good...

I'm fine.

I'm sorry Mila but you're not.

She read it and started to type, but nothing came through. Just the text bubbles. I was getting really worried. My mom finally hung up with the operator. "She said they got there," she told me, "They are going to help her."
"I'm going to go to the hospital," I nodded and sighed a little bit.
"Okay, let me know how it goes okay?" she sighed. I nodded and jogged upstairs. I threw a hoodie on and grabbed my keys. I went back downstairs and to my car. I got in and started to drive to the hospital. I was so terrified... I never thought something like this would happen to someone I knew. I don't know why but I felt so close to Mila.

I went into the hospital and went to the lady at the desk. "Did the paramedics get here with a girl yet??" I asked.
"Yes, Mila Blair?" she asked.
"Yes," I nodded, "Can I see her??"
"Not yet, she just got here. I will let you know when you can," she smiled at me. I nodded and went to the waiting room. I sat down on a chair and leaned back on the chair and my foot tapped anxiously.

About 30-45 minutes later a nurse came into the waiting room. There was about 10 people there and I figured her parents would've been there. "Mila Blair?" she called. I stood up and looked around, no one else stood up. What the hell? I walked over to the nurse. "Who are you to Mila?" she asked.
"She is my best friend," I told her.
"Okay, are her parents here?" she asked.
"No," I told her.
"Okay well she lost a lot of blood and when the paramedics got there she had passed out. They got luckily got more blood into her and she is awake now," she told me.
"Okay," I sighed in relief, "Can I go back to see her?"
"Yes, follow me," she told and started to walk. I followed behind the petite nurse as we went to the elevator. She put in the number 2 and we waited not long till it opened again. I followed behind her as she led me to Mila's room. She opened the door and let me in.

*Mila's POV*

I woke up in a hospital room. The last thing I remember was my dad yelling at someone and people chanting and rushing around. Then it went black. "Hey Mila, how are you doing?" a warm deep voice asked. I looked up at the man dressed in a lab coat. "I'm okay," I nodded.
"Good," he smiled, "I'm going to take a few tests okay?" he told me. I nodded and he took the standard tests. Temperature, heart rate, stuff like that. "Alright, I'm going to get you some food from the cafeteria that I want you to eat okay?" he told me.
"Okay," I nodded. He walked out with his clip board, nurses following behind. I looked around the room and down at myself. I was in a hospital gown and I had an IV in my left arm. I looked at the cuts on my wrist and a few of the new ones had stitches in them... I guess I really wasn't fine...

A few minutes later the door opened. I expected it to the doctor with my food but I was greeted with a face I was really hoping to see. Daijon. He smiled at me and walked over. The nurse that took him here walked out. "How you doing?" he asked, his voice soft.
"Okay," I replied and he took a seat next to the hospital bed I was in.
"You weren't fine," he teased.
"I know," I let out a small laugh, "I'm sorry."
"No I'm sorry," he sighed and took my hand. Butterflies rushed into my stomach and danced around. I held onto his hand and shrugged. "Don't be sorry," I shook my head, "I shouldn't have been so stupid."
"No it's okay," he shook his head, "I'm just glad you're okay. When I saw that it felt like my whole world was crashing and I my chest got heavy."
"Really?" I asked.
"Yeah, I was really worried about you Mila," he told me. His thumb started to rub against the back of my hand. "You were?" I asked.
"I was," he nodded. I smiled and leaned my head over and rested it on his shoulder. He laid his head onto mine as well. There was  a knock at the door then the doctor walked back in. I sat up and let go of Daijon's hand. "I brought you some Jel-O and I got you an ice pop. I want you to eat liquid based things to start and I got you a water," he told me, "You need to stay hydrated."
"Thank you," I sat up more and started to eat the ice pop. It was a blue one and it was delicious. "I'll be checking on you every couple hours okay?" he told me.
"When can I leave?" I asked.
"When your parents sign you out," he told me.
"Then I'm going to be here forever cause they aren't going to come sign me out,"

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