Chapter 2.5

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;) - Second Chapter wasn't complete but I wanted it to be out because I've been skipping like I've been skipping my workouts.

Winter opened the door to her room and laid her food down on her small coffee table, she let out a deep breathe. Today was just all sorts of surprises for her. Winter went ahead and did her night time routine for bed.

She got in the shower and let the water run on full heat for a few minutes to warm it up. Letting her mind wander off, her thoughts went out to today's events. Her "mission" was pleasantly switched to something she never really imaged herself doing in her life. Teaching.

Me? Teach students? Winter laughed at the thought.

But what about Qrow? Could he teach? He supposedly had never been in contact with others for a while. She imagined him back when he was a student. Tall for his age, probably. Lean, healthy, relaxed. Winter smiled. She wanted to see how he looked like when he was that age. Her mind drifted even more to when they were at the elevator.

His expression... It was full of sorrow and tragedy.

What made it change?

"Oh shit." She saw steam rising out of her shower, and quickly went in before her water bill started to rise any higher.


Qrow thought she was great. An assistant that had energy was always good. An assistant that was fun was even better. An assistant who was all this and hard working? Unheard of.

Winter was all this. Qrow only knew her for a day but he could tell she was an amazing woman. Smart, witty, formal, informal, on guard, beautiful.

The way she smiled at him not only with her lips but with her eyes, the way her eyebrows seemed to arc with the corners of her mouth made him smile. How brilliant her white smile was. How her hair shown itself in the moonlight. How it reflected her personality.


She was a mans ideal women. She was right.

But she was not for him.

She made him forget.

But Qrow didn't want to forget.

He couldn't.

Qrow turned the knob to his apartment room. He locked the door and turned to look at his furnishings. Light from his window cascading in the room, illuminating his field of view in silver.

Shattered glass was filled all over the room, pictures torn, papers scattered pillows from sleepless nights ripped, cabinet wood splintered. A metal baseball bat lay in the middle to top off his decorations to his apartment.

Qrow sighed. Remembering the reason why he left to go out on missions. He tried to drown his sorrows in work and alcohol, in the corner of his space next to his unkempt bed he spotted the only thing that was left in tact from all the destruction.

An opened wooden box. And next to it were pictures.

Qrow took all the pictures and put them inside the box and closed it.

I'll never forget.

And with that, he retired for the night.

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