D.O's Fact

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-D.O is actuaLLy a LittLe bit afraid of dark ,w/c is why he has to sLeep w/ stuffed toy

-D.O used to wake up in the middLe of the night to buy fever medicine for Kai

-Kai & D.O's Bed is queen sized bdled whiLe the others sLeep on a singLe bed each. It'll be change in the future though

-D.O has the best reLationship w/ Kai. Duringvthe trainee period, Kai wouLd even heLp him out during re-evaLuation

-Sehun & D.O Love to buLLy Kai the most (because Kai doesnt Lose hid temper easiLy)

-D.O beLieves that one day, Suho wiLL become a good Leader Like Leeteuk, even though Sehun and Kai think that it's impossibLe

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