Kai's Fact

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-Kai predebut use to have many bad habit incLuding smoking, but gr stopped when D.O ask him to take care of himseLf

-Kai's waist hurt is serious and may need surgery

-Kai sometimes, Loses his temper, but its his charm. He doesnt quite use honorifics, aLthough its a sign of cLoseness but some peopLe who care may not Like it

-Kai never cLeaned up the dorm before, and he Likes to generate rubbish. D.O dotes on him, so he aLways cLean up on his behaLf. Sehun used to think that its unfair and tried to protest, but protest are usuaLLy succesfuL onLy when Kai is invoLved, so Sehun can onLy continue cLeaning up obientLy

-Kai wiLL sLeep Like a dead dog, he wouLdnt even know of you throw him of the baLcony

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