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Patrick, Pete, and Joe rode the last stretch of road up the hill into the Voiceless base. It was about 6 in the morning and they were exhausted. Joe was at the wheel and in the back of the black utility van was the body of Andrew John Hurley, who had been shot by Gale Lloyd less than an hour before.

Pete was the first one to speak for the whole ride.

"I can't believe she would have shot him," His eyes glowed a softer yellow as they did when emotions such as fear, sorrow, and confusion sometimes dulled his eyes. Patrick's eyes were blazing hot with a yellow flame, bright enough to cast an eerie yellow through the back of the van.

"I can believe it. Her mother warned us. We have to avenge this death," Patrick looked up as they entered the garage. Several girls who had only an hour of their shift left slowly walked over and helped them open the door. One of them, the former White Kid Casey Oster gasped when Pete and Joe brought out Andy's body. Another few girls walked over and place the body on a white plastic folding table and put an old Voiceless banner over it.

"You should probably go tell the head bitch," One of them, a girl with dark red hair who identified herself as Emmie told them. The three solemnly walked into the office of the Head Bitch on the second floor.

Courtney Love, aka the Head Bitch in Charge, sat at her desk. More like slept at her desk. She had stayed up a long time later then she had wanted to, waiting for information from the attack on the apartment and had drifted off about 8 or so while waiting for the attack, and woke up right in the middle, then fell back to sleep again. As her door opened, she awoke from her doze and looked up, her icy hair was draped over her head and arms and she quickly wiped it back to see three of the four former Fall Out Boys in her office.

"Where's the other one?" The already solemn mood went even deeper.

"He was killed," Joe whispered. Courtney started in shock for a moment.

"Who did it?" Patrick answered her in blind fury.

"Gale Lloyd. The little asshole now has a new arm. She got out of the state I think, but we will kill her," Courtney was about to continue when Harper burst in followed by Casey, both out of breath.

"You need to get down to the morgue right now," Harper ordered. The four got up and ran after the girls toward the morgue on the 1st floor, on the other side of the hall as the chapel. It didn't take long with adrenaline coursing through the veins of everyone in the group.

They burst into the morgue and Joe nearly fainted. Pete stood stalk still as Courtney gapped and Patrick moved a little bit closer.

"What happened?" He ordered. One of the girls, a doctor who they had turned was standing near the corpse.

"I was doing a routine scan to make sure that we could get the body ready for cremation. As I looked, I saw a bright white light shine under his shirt. I ripped it off to see nothing on his chest except tattoos,"

"But he was shot. What's going on?" Joe asked. Pete still stood stalk still.

"Well, I had grabbed his jacket by the pocket and I felt something in there. I pulled out a piece of paper and this necklace," She held out the paper and a silver chain with a green feather on it.

"You said you found this in his pocket?" Pete asked skeptically. Patrick wouldn't move and Joe literally walked out of the room. Pete grumbled. "Chickens," He grabbed them both and opened the note.

Dear Guys,

Yeah, I know I've been dead for about 30 minutes or so know. But you need to know this. I'm in a better place now, a place that is so amazing. We all have a purpose that you'll eventually fulfill, but you'll have to see me before that happens. If you see Gale before I do, tell her thank you.


"What the hell is this?" Patrick grabbed the note right out of Pete's hand and stopped.

"It's dated today and the time in the date is 6:14, the exact time that I saw the white light," The doctor finished. Joe had walked in and suddenly yelped.

"Roll his left arm over!" He yelled. The doctor rolled his arm palm up and everyone gapped. In the middle of his lower arm was a white feather tattoo.

"I can tell you this for a fact," Pete muttered to Courtney. "He's never had that tattoo," Courtney stood still for a moment, then suddenly snapped into a fiery rage.

"Get him burned now and I want him out of here by 8!" Courtney stomped out the door. As she did, Patrick slipped the note into his pocket and the doctor threw the chain on the floor.

"Get the crematory ready!" She stomped out and a younger med student ran over. She was of Asian descent and had thick black hair that went past her waist and wore wide and thick-rimmed glasses over her blue eyes. She had on the normal black outfit (she wore a black mini skirt and a black jeweled t-shirt with black booties) with a lab coat over it.

"What is this?" She slipped the feather and chain into her pocket, then quickly left as two girls came into wheel the body out to be burned.

First Part of Book 3! I am so excited! Hope you enjoy!!!

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