way out

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adjective ;

extremely unconventional, unusual, or avant-garde."teachers were accused of espousing way-out ideologies and teaching methods"


When the small boat reached the much bigger boat for their safety, they started to climb up the rope ladders on the side of the ship. Men kept pushing each other wanting to get into safety as soon as they possibly could.

Tommy was already half way up when an soldier was pulled down and between the two boats, squeezing him in between them. Men were fast to help the soldier back onto the boat and lay him down to inspect what had happened, and if it was bad.

"Go on." Alex said to Ava who snapped her gaze away from the hurt man. She turned her gaze towards the rope ladders and wiped her sweaty hands on her dress. She walked to the edge and climbed over putting her feet onto the right places and climbed up to the deck, Alex not far behind from her.

Alex reached the deck faster than Ava did. He put his hand out for her to take and when she did he pulled her up and over the railing and in front of him. They followed the line of the soldiers under the deck, to get some food and drinks.

"Down you go. Put this on, my love." A nurse said handing Ava an warm blanket which she quickly wrapped around her shoulders, instantly warming up the tiniest bit but getting warmer by the second when she walked down the steps.

Ava stopped in the middle of the stairs when she felt Alex stop from behind her. She turned her gaze towards him and furrowed her eyebrows when he was looking to his right towards something with furrowed eyebrows. "Alex." Ava said making his gaze snap to her and quickly glanced back to his right and then went down the steps.

They both looked around the area, seeing multiply nurses and soldiers stand there chattering, eating and drinking. Ava followed after Tommy, and Alex followed after Ava, whilst looking around in the search of food and drinks.

A mug suddenly came over Ava's shoulder and another came from the other side. The hand on the right holding a steaming cup of tea and the other holding a piece of bread with jam on top. She quickly took them and took a huge bite out of the fluffy bread.

All three of them finished their pieces from bread in seconds. Ava still had her cup of tea, now half full. She had both of her hands on the tea cup trying to warm them up. Ava bit her lip whilst looking around, trying to ease her nerves.

"What's wrong with your friend?" Alex suddenly asked making Ava's gaze snap up to him, still biting her lip. Tommy didn't say anything at first but he looked around in search of his friend who he now noticed was missing.

"He's looking for a quick way out." He said with his mouth full of the last bite from his piece of bread. Alex nodded his head and looked away from Tommy with furrowed eyebrows, whilst his gaze went from man to man.

"In case we go down." Tommy said making both, Ava's and Alex's gaze snap to him, their eyes slightly widened. Tommy looked at the two quickly and started to make his way towards the door they came in from.

Alex and Ava looked at eachother and then quickly followed after the boy. Ava put her mug on some random table and wrapped the blanket around her tighter, whilst pushing through the mass of soldiers towards the door.

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