target practice

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the activity of shooting at targets. (= circles with colored rings around them) in order to improve your skill.

1) "No, look at the grouping. Target practice."


Everyone was asleep waiting for the tide to come in so they could finally get to go home from this nightmare, that they have been living for far too long. They all furrowed their eyebrows when they heard footsteps on the deck.

Everyone's eyes snapped open and they stood up quickly. The ones with guns pointed towards the opening where they came from just in case it was a German soldier. Everyone started to shush eachother when there was too much noise.

They all looked at the ceiling and followed the sound of the footsteps on it. They mentioned to the closest one to the opening to pull the man down when he came close, and that closest person happened to be Tommy.

He sneaked to the side of the ladder and looked up waiting for the person to come down there. Alex had made sure that Ava had stayed as behind as she possibly could, out of the way of danger even tho they were in a war zone so it was quite impossible to stay away from danger.

Tommy pulled the man down to the floor when he was close enough for that. The man spoke in a different language at first, of course in surprise, at the soldiers in his boat, whilst he had his hands up in a surrender way.

"Are you German?" Alex asked with a deep voice, whilst pointing at the man, who was breathing heavily, his gaze going from soldier to soldier. "No, Dutch. Dutch!" The man said making the soldiers look at eachother and then back at the man, shushing him for being too loud.

"Merchant navy." The man continued whilst breathing heavily, with his eyes still widened. "Here to pick you up. To help you." The man continued his sentence, whilst trying to catch his breath. "Why'd you leave your boat?" Ava asked whilst moving closer to the mass of soldiers and the man who wasn't a threat to any of them.

"In case the German come." The man said and looked at Ava, who put her hand on Alex's shoulder making him loosen up and stand up along with all the other whilst they helped the older man up from the floor.

Alex looked down at the small girl and wrapped his arm around her waist and looked towards the man, who brushed the dirt off of his outfit. He looked from each soldier to another, his gaze staying the longest on Alex and Ava. He gave the couple a small smile, he was happy how the two had found eachother in such an bad place.

"We wait up the beach. With the soldiers. Wait for the tide." The man continued to say, whilst looking at each of them again. The soldiers lowered their guns when they realized what the man had just said to them.

"You came back. The tide must be in." One of the Highlanders said to the man his eyes slightly widened about the fact of being able to go home. "Coming. Coming, yes." The man said making everyones face fall and they all let out an sigh.

"But more hours till we float..." Ava said and rubbed her hands up and down her arms, whilst looking all the soldier in the boat. "Hours?" Alex asked and looked down at Ava and then back at the man with his eyebrows furrowed.

"Why'd you come back?" Alex asked again, taking a step forwards but was stopped by someones grip on his jacket not letting him get close to the man. "Not so heavy when I left." The man said to Alex whilst he packed away in fear of the fury on Alex's face.

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