Chapter 1

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"I can't believe my baby boy is in his final year of College!" My mom squealed as she hugged me tightly.

"Mom!" I love my mother deeply but she embarrasses the hell out of me.

"Ha ha!" My little sister taunts.

"Oh shut up Rach!" I snap.

"Yeah hun, this will be you next year and Perry sweetheart, stop it you're embarrassing the poor guy." Dad always has my back.

"Sorry Ron but I can't help it. Seth is going to graduate this year and I can not wait to see my boy with a diploma in his hands."

I smile sheepishly at my mothers comment, to her I'll always be that little baby boy with stubby baby carrot fingers who drew the Flintstones and Woody Woodpecker.

"You're going to miss this, aren't you?" Rachael asked.

"Yeah, I am." I sigh, so many fond memories.

Next year, I will be out into the wide world and its very daunting. I might work for Disney but I don't really know what's going to happen, I could get a better offer.

I'm going to miss my friends mostly, especially Patrick Henry and his brother Mike. Mike does an awesome impression of a creepy old guy who's sort of a pervert.

"Knock knock MacFarlane's." I jerk my head and see Patrick.

"Pat, good to see ya buddy." I firmly shake his hand.

"You too, just telling you that assembly is on in 20 minutes."

"Okay thanks Pat, say hi to Mike for me."

"Will do!"

I look at my mom and she sighs. "I guess we'd better go now. Will you be alright Seth?"

"Of course I will, you ask me this every year."

"I know, force of habit." She pulls me in for a hug.

I pull away and look into those familiar brown eyes full of motherly love. There exactly like mine, I smile.

'What would I do without her?' I think.

Hopefully that's a long way away. I don't like thinking about the day I lose my amazing mother, Perry MacFarlane or my hilariously embarrassing dad, Ron.

I look back at my annoying but awesome little sister Rachael who had a proud smile on her face.

"Ah Seth Woodbury MacFarlane, senior college student at the Rhode Island School of Design. I'm so proud of you, big brother."

"Aw, you know in a couple more years it will be you who's the senior Rach." Rachael was only 3 years younger than me. She gave me one of the biggest, most modest smiles. Rachael and I were sometimes like your normal older brother/younger sister type, you know we'd fight about stupid things and try to out do each other but we would always be on good terms when the day ended. I can remember a newspaper had a drawing competition to win a Rainbow Brite doll, I sent an entry in to win one for her and I won.

My dad slings his arm around my shoulders. "Now remember son, hook up with as many chicks as you can."

"Ron!" My mom shouts.

Rachael and I just laugh. Good old dad!

As soon as my family leave, I head down to the assembly hall and take my seat.

"Hey Seth." A voice greets me. I look up and it's Patrick Henry.

"Hey, so what do you think will be new this year?" I ask this because every year it's always the same. Me and Pat have learned it off by heart now... well maybe I am exaggerating just a bit but not by much, that's the fucked up thing about it.

"I don't know, apparently there is a transfer student here today."


"Yeah, I overheard some people telling my roommate."

The headmaster comes up to the podium. "Welcome to the new students and for the older ones welcome back, especially seniors. I hope you enjoy your final year at RISD."

So far it's the same old shit I hear every year, the out of bounds areas, curfews (except seniors, yes!) and teachers. But then we come up to a part that I really find interesting.

"This year Pace University has sent us a senior transfer student studying film and animation. This student has already arrived and has already settled in. Make this student feel welcome, I will not tolerate those who are being mean."

That bit is new. What he says next isn't and since I am a senior this year, it's the worst part.

"Tomorrow will be the first day for all students who are not seniors. Seniors start classes after assembly so be prepared, you have a long year ahead of you. Good luck."

Pat leans over. "Sucks to be you."

I groan.

"That will conclude the assembly. Thank you."

A round of applause is given and I go back to my dorm. I check my schedule to see what I have first. I smile when I see I have Advanced Film History. I grab my books and head to class.

"Alright take your seats please!" The teacher yells over all of us as we talk about our holiday.

The class immediately settles down, she was the teacher who's bad side you didn't want to get on.

"Today we are doing theories about films set in the future. Today we are discussing Back to the Future Part II. Is 2015 going to be like the movie predicted? With hover boards, holograms and flying cars."

'Valid Question.' I thought.

"Please write down what you think. I will give you ten minutes and then we will discuss what you wrote." The teacher says as she shuffles papers on her desk.

As I was writing, I hear the door open and close.

"Ah you must be the new transfer from Pace University." I hear the teacher say.

"That's me. I am so sorry I'm late to class. I got lost." A beautiful, sweet female voice says.

"That's alright, take a seat next to Mr MacFarlane over there, Miss?"

"Sinatra, Leah Sinatra."

I look up and heading towards me is the most beautiful girl I have ever seen.

Well there was the first chapter of RISD Days. I hope you enjoyed it! It is a Seth MacFarlane fanfic and he did go to the Rhode Island School of Design. Unfortunately Seth did lose his mum, Perry past away from cancer in July 2010 so it was really hard writing "what would I do without her". Mike Henry is the voice of Cleveland Brown, Herbert and Consuela the Spanish maid and he met Seth through his brother at RISD. Well please tell me what you think would really appreciate it. Thanks all!

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