Chapter 3:Battle with the Traitor

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Ash Pov
When we land on Undella Town and of course i had to wear the hood so people won't know who i am and there was uhh problem,Nathalie won't let go of me"Uhh...Nat?","Y-Y-Y-Yes?"She reliped nervously"...Can you let go of me?We are here..."She open her eyes"FINALLY!!"She was going to jump but she accendenly slipped and crash onto her butt"HOLY SWEAT OF ARCEUS!!NAT U ALRIGHT?!?!"I yelled then get off on Charizard then ran toward Nathalie and see if she was okay"O-Owww,I'm fine Ash..."She replied while rubbing her butt"Okay then...Next time be careful!"I tell her"Ok,ok,ok,ok","Good,Return Chrizard"I return Charizard then walk to the Pokemon Center,As i walked inside i heard people gasping"Woah!Is that Red from Mt.Sliver?!"one of the girl said"I heard that Red was never been defeated by anyone!"A man said"He is so cool and mysterious!"a boy said"He nearly look like a Reaper to me..."A teen said,Awwww how sweat"Hello!Welcome to the Pokemon Center,What can i help you with?"Nurse Joy ask me not looking afraid or something"Yes,I would like to register the Pokemon Tournament","Alright!All i need to do is to see your Pokedex and a letter that the Pokemon League send you!"I gave Nurse Joy my Pokedex and the letter that Scott gave me"Alright,Red Satoshi,You are now been register to the Pokemon Tournament and here's the key to your vila,Good luck"I thanked Nurse Joy and walk out the Pokemon Center"So,I don't know where is the vila"I said sheeply"Oh my God,Are you serious?"Nathalie jaw dropped"Yup,We have to find Cynthia to take us to her vila or house what-ever that callled"I turn to Nat"How about we go buy a Ice Cream?"Nathalie suggused"That sound's good"Then i bump into a Boy and i look at who it was,It was Max friking Maple"Owww,Hey watch"Max relplied with a shock face"No,I bumped into you and i din't notice you were there,My aplogize..."I said"Woah...You are Red...From Mt.Sliver..."Max stare at me with a awe face"Yes that's me"Not until i saw the Traitors walking to Max...Including Leaf"Hey!What did you do to my brother,You Jerk!"May yelled at me"Apolygize to him,NOW!"Dawn yelled"I already apolygize to the young boy..."I said"We din't hear it!"Misty shouted at me"Woah,Woah Guys chill!It was me should be apolygize to Red,I din't see where i was going so i accendenly bumped into him!"Max was trying to make the Traitor's chill"Fine whatever,but only i will agree if you and this person have a Pokemon Battle"Trip said and Max was shock,So i read his mind that it show that Max has heard of me before"A-Alright!Is that ok with you Mr.Satoshi?"Max ask me,Althogh i made a promise to Max that i will battle against him"Sure Max"I said bored.As we head to the Battlefield and Brock was the reefee"Alright!This is a Three on Three Pokemon Battle between Red from Mount Slivver and Max from Petalburg City,Mega Stone is allowed and Let the Battle begin!"(Guys sorry for the the crappy intro,its because i was confused so yea)People then start gathering around"Gallade,Let's Go!"Gallade then appear and do a battle stance"Go,Hydreigon!"I send out my Hydreigon and let out a huge roar"Gallade,Use Close Combat!"Gallade then rushed toward Hydreigon"Hydreigon used Dark Pulse!"Hydreigon then send out a Dark Pulse at Gallade making Gallade stop using Close Combat"Used X-Scissor!"Gallade then jump and used X-Scissor"Alright!Rap it up with Dragon Rush!"Hydreigon then cover his body with a blue dragon and hit Gallade with Dragon Rush,Once the dust settle,Gallade was on the ground with swirl eyes"Gallade is unable to battle,Hydreigon wins!"Max then return his Pokemon"You did great Gallade,Go Breloom!"Max send out Breloom"Zap E'm,Electross!"I send out the Eel Pokemon"Breloom used Stone Edge!"Breloom send out Stone Edge"Take It"Electross then got hit by Stone Edge but...Electross was still standing there taking no damage,People were shocked that Electross take no damage"W-What the?"Max was now scared"Used Flamethrower!"Electross send out a Flamethrower at Breloom making it instant K.O"Breloom is unable to battle,Electross wins!"Max return Breloom"Grr,Spectile wins this!"Max send out Sceptile"Let's go,Scizor!"I send out Scizor which was Steel and Bug Type"Sceptile used Giga Impact!"Spectile glow orange then rush Scizor"Used Iron Defence!"Scizor then used Iron Defence,Sceptile Giga Impact hit Scizor and dealing a little scratch"Max,you know Giga Impact is a powerful move but..."Max was shocked now"It's need's to recharge!"Max don't know what to do"That's right,Now used Agility!"Scizor used Agility then Sceptile cannot see Scizor"U-Used Focus B-Blast!"Sceptile launch Focus Blast on Scizor"Dodge it!"Scizor dodge easily"Now used Sworld Dance!"Scizor rise his Attack and let's one-shot his Sceptile"Now finish it with X-Scissor!"Scizor rush toward Sceptile then used X-Scissor"No!Sceptile!"Sceptile then fall on the fall on the ground"Sceptile is unable to battle,Scizor wins!Which means Red is the winner!"People then cheer for me,I'm so epic"Well take a long rest Sceptile,You earn a good long rest..."Max return his Sceptil"Good job Scizor,Take a rest"I return Scizor and walk toward Max"You know Max?That was a good battle,Hope to see you next time when we battle"I take out my hand for a handshake"Yeah!That was a good battle,Next time i will get even Stronger to beat you!"Max shake my hand"Yeah,See you next time kid"I walked away and saw Nathalie and Pikachu playing"Hey guys"They turned to me and hugged me"Yay!You won!"Nathalie said,oh come on really?"I know right?"Pikachu then jump on my shoulder'Now what?'Pikache ask until i heard a hand clapping and it was Cynthia"Bravo!What a excellent battle there!"Cynthia was now...Pretty and...and......Cute"Umm thanks.....I'm Red,Red Satoshi"I said handing out my hand"I'm Cynthia,The Sinnoh Champion!"Wait whaaaa"Hey!it's her!"Pikachu shouted"Of course it's me silly!I think your Pikachu had seen me on TV i guess?"Cynthia ask"No,It's not-WAIT A MINUTE!!YOU CAN HEAR WHAT POKEMON ARE SAYING?!?!?!"I yelled and my hood din't fell down and Nathalie was shocked to hear what Ash just said"Of course i can,My sister and i went to Rota and we learn Aura to hear what Pokamon are saying and i think that you can use Aura right?"Cynthia ask me curious"U-Uhh...Yeah,I can hear what Pokemon are saying,I can sense Aura and I can heal"I ask nervouly"A-Anyways,I-I gotta go..."I take out my key and Cynthia saw it"Hey that's my key,I'm guessing that you are staying with me right?"Oh come on man"Yeah?"I sigh"We follow me,I will take you there!"Cynthia ask happily,Oh man it's been a while since i saw her happy"Oh,Okay sure"Nathalie was tugging my right arm"Reeed!Ice Cream i wanna!"Nathalie was whining like a kid,Why does she had to be a kid?!"Oh?Who is she?"Cynthia asked confused"This is Nathalie,My adopted sister and Nathalie this is Cynthia,The Sinnoh Champion"I replied"Nice to meet you Nathalie"Cynthia pulled out her hand"Yeah,It was nice to you too"Nathalie and Cynthia shake hand"Anyways,I will buy her a Ice Cream first i will meet you here"Nathalie was pulling my hand to walk"Hehe,Okay be careful!"...After a while,We were on Cynthia's Jeep and we were on the vila(Guys i decided to add Undella Town alot bigger like a city or whever just read the friking story)I stepped out if the Jeep and we walked in the vila abd it was cool"Make yourself nice"Cynthia ask and we put down our bag.3 hours later,I was lying on the couch of course i'm still wearing the Cloak"Red,I'm bored...Can i play with Mew?"I was like'Oh heck nah'should i"Uhh i dunno Nat,What will happen if Cynthia see it?"She got of the couch and start making a puppy eyes"Please~"She was whining...GOD DAMMIT MY HEART IS...IS!!MY HEART HAS BEEN SHOT!!"Stop it!Okay,I will let you play with Mew!"She was laughing but i din't relised Cynthia was behind me"Y-Y-You have a M-Mew?!"Ah crud"Yeah?I have a Articuno,Mew and Suicune"Cynthia jaw dropped"Can i see them?"Oh why,Why does it have to be meh"Oh,Okay sure why not"We go outside"Well,Articuno,Mew and Suicune come on out!"I open their Pokeball,Cynthia eyes widen and Nathalie just playing with Mew"R-Red?How do you catch them?"She ask shocking"Well,They wishes to come with me so yea"Cynthia then pet Articuno wing"This is...Amazing"She look at Suicune and pet Suicune head"Oh by the way Red!Do you know that some of the Champion is going to stay with us right?"Myjaw dropped after hear what she said"W-What?!"

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