Chapter 12:An Old Enemy

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3rd Pov

It's been 2 weeks since Ash and Cynthia start dating,The whole world knew that Cynthia and Ash is now couple this cause the traitors always came up.Ash is now in a deep forest training his chosen Pokemon for the last battle which his Pokemon are Espeon,Gardevoir,Lucario,Garchomp,Pikachu and Charizard.During his training he sense a aura that made shock

Ash - "...N-No...I-I-It can't b-be..."He turn around and saw the person smirking evily

??? - "Well well well,If isn't Ash Ketchum,The one who destroyed my organize..."

Ash - "I thought you were send to prison after i destroy your base"Hia voice was full fear,anger and wonder

??? - "True,But with a help of some of my Grunt i manage to escape foe that hellhole and now here i am"He chukkle and Ash gasp now relized who he is

Ash - "Your Givana Lockies,The person i going up agaist...But you're Giovonni...The Leader of Team Rocket"Giovonni laugh

Giovonni - "Well,Now i wanne show something that you might regonize this Pokemon"He grab a Master Ball which Ash think that it was a Legendary and he toss it revealing the Pokemon that Ash now was very shock the Pokemon

It was Mewtwo

Ash - "Wha...It can't be...Mewtwo?"Giovonni chukkle

Giovonni - "IT is Mewtwo there boy,I manage to re-create Mewtwo and catch him with a Master Ball that he will listen to me"Ash was paled that if he is using Mewtwo he would sweep his Pokemon and not to mention that Giovonni's Mewtwo was stronger than the one Ash met in Mt.Quena

Giovonni - "That's not all,I came to test his power to see if he can defeated you and your Pokemon...Including that Charizard of yours"Ash Charizard is his most powerful Pokemon in his team,He manage to sweep his entire Team

Ash - "What happen if i don't wanna?"

Giovonni - "Simple,Once we battle on the Tournament if i win i will re-create Team Rocket and you will not infolved and if you win i will be send to prison and disband Team Rocket forever,Now deal?"Ash now had no choice

Ash - "...Deal..."Giovonni chukkle and he send out Mewtwo

Giovonni - "I'll be only using Mewtwo and you can used your 6 Pokemon"Ash nodded

Ash - "Espeon your up!"Espeon jump on the field and do battle stance

Giovonni - "Mewtwo used Shadow Ball"Mewtwo began charge up a Shadow Ball and fired at Espeon

Ash - "Espeon used your own Shadow Ball!"Espeon fired Four Shadow Ball and it collied with Mewtwo's Shadow Ball

Mewtwo - "Now Earthquake!"Mewtwo syomp the ground and cause a large Earthquake and hit Espeon fainted

Ash - "Espeon return!You did good girl...Gardevoir Go!"Gardevoir teleport to the field

Ash - "Used Physhock!"Gardevoir shot out a Physhic Beam(Whever that called)at Mewtwo

Giovonni - "Used Ice Beam"Mewtwo fired a freezy-beam and it destroyed Physhock and hit Gardevoir

Ash - "Gardevoir!Come get up!"Garde voir stood up

Gardevoir - 'Don't worry Ash,I'll make sure not to made you sad'Ash smiled at Gardevoir motherly personality

Ash - "Alright used Shadow Ball!Full Blast!"Gardevoir began charging a massive Shadow Ball and send it at Mewtwo and He and Giovonni smirk which confused Ash but the next one shock him the most

Giovonni - "Used Mirror Coat"The Shadow Ball hit Mewtwo and he shot out a much for powerful Shadow Ball which cause Gardevoir fainted

Ash - "You did good Gardevoir,I'm very proud of you..."Ash then heard Lucario speak

Lucario - "Master,Let me take on Mewtwo after what he had done to Gardevoir..."He ask coldly because he had a crush on Gardevoir after he saw what Mewtwo did he is now berseker

Ash - "Sure Lucario,Now Mega Evolve and used Bone Rush!"Ash touch his Key Stone and Lucario glow purple once the glow was down Mega Lucario form a Blue-Aura Bone and rush at Mewtwo

Giovonni - "Used Brick Break"Mewtwo arms glow white and both of them exchange blow after blow which collied

Ash - "Now Dark Pulse!"Lucario shot out a dark beam at Mewtwo who take the hit and send him flying a little

Giovonni - "Used Phystrike!"Mewtwo send out a wave of Physhic energy and hit Lucario which he reverte back to his original form and collaspe unconcious

Ash - "Thanks buddy,You derverse a good rest,Alright Garchomp your up!"

Ash - "Used Drago Meteor!"Garchomp flew up and his mouth shot out a huge orange ball and split into 20 pieces

Mewtwo - "Dodge the Drago Meteor and used Ice Beam"Mewtwo jump up avoiding the Meteor and he got close to Garchomp and hit Garchomp direcly which he was fainted

Ash - "Dammit,You did good Garchomp thanks,Pikachu your turn!"Pikachu jump at the field and cheeks were sparking

Giovonni - "Used Earthquake"

Ash - "Iron Tail on the ground!"

Mewtwo stomp the ground while Pikachu tail glow silver and put it on the ground once the Earthquake hits Pikachu were unharmed

Giovonni - "Flamethrower!"

Ash - "Counter it with Electro Ball!"

Both Flamethrower and Electro Ball collied each other and cause a huge explosion

Giovonni - "Now Phystrike!"

Ash - "Pikachu get out of there!"

But it was too late,Pikachu got hit by wave of Phystrike and he fell down and Ash grab him and put at a tree nearby

Ash - "Go Charizard!"Charizard flew at the field and send out a roar which cause bearby Pokemon to fled

Ash/Giovonni - "MEGA EVOLVE!"

Both Pokemon glow purple and they completed their Mega Evolve and do a battle stance,Charizard was Mega Charizard X while Mewtwo was Mega Mewtwo X

Charizard - "Ash?We are sreaw are we?"His Charizard manage to talk because Lucario teach him how to say human speech

Ash - "I don't buddy,But let's get everything we got!"Charizard roar again

Ash - "Used Dragon Claw!"

Giovonni - "Thunderpunch"

Charizard claws glow a huge dragonic-energy and ran at Mewtwo while Mewtwo fists were glowing electric and both move collied

Ash - "Now Fire Blast!"Since they were close Charizard shot out a large blue Fire Blast at Mewtwo who he grunt in pain

Giovonni - "Mewtwo,Focus Blast Full Blast!"Mewtwo began charging a massive Focus Blast in a Kamehameha style

Ash - "Charizard used Blast Burn,FULL POWER!"Charizard engulfed with blue flames

Ash/Giovonni - "NOW!"Mewtow shot out a gigantic Focus Blast and Charizard hit the ground with his fist which they took the hit

Once the dust was clear,Charizard was panting badly and were brusied while Mewtwo look a little hurt.Charizard was on his on last stand but he collapse and turn back into his original form,Mewtwo turn back into his original form and walk to his master side and Ash coun't belive that his strongest Pokemon were beaten by Mewtwo

Giovonni - "I'll see you soon,Ketchum Mewtwo teleport us back to base please"They dissapear and Ash fall on his knees

Ash - "Dammit,Sorry Charizard..."He return his Charizard back and quickly rush at the Pokemon Center

(Annnnnd that's it folks!The Leader is Giovonni,So hope enjoy thks story and don't worry Ash will battle agaist Giovonni again and for sure hes gonne to win!See ya next time bruh!)

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