Chapter 15:The End

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3rd Pov

Ash was now battling the strongest Champion which was his girlfriend,Cynthia.

Aah had defeated Lance,Gold(YAY!GOLS IZ HERE!),Steven,Alder and Diantha.Ash defeated Lance with Eelektross,Infernape,Hydreigon,Gardevoir,Pikachu and Garchomp.Then he defeat Gold with his old Pokemon from Johto that Gary return back to him,His Pokemon that were used was Typlosion,Meganium,Feraligatr,Noctowl,Heracross and Donphan.He defeated Steven with Sceptile,Swellow,Torkoal,Glalie,Cradaunt and Mew.

Next was Alder and he used Emboar,Serperior,Samurott,Krookodile,Staraptor and Gliscor.Then finnaly was Diantha who he used was Talonflame,Noivern,Hawlucha,Scizor,Torterra and Lucario.

And niw he was battling Cynthia's Garchomp and he send out his Charizard who is a Powerhouse(lol)

Cynthia - "Garchomp used Dragon Rush!"Garchomp form a Dragonic Energy and rush at Charizard

Ash - "Dodge it and used Seismic Toss!"Charizard moved to his right and he grab MegaGarchomp and fly up like a drill and do a 360 Back-Flip and toss MegaGarchomp to the ground creating a large impact and dust

Once the dust was cleared,There stood a proud and unharmed Charizard and a Garchomp on the ground with swirl on her eyes.Everyone was stunned to see the most powerful Champion got defeated

Reefer - "...Garchomp is unable to battle!Charizard is the winner!Which means Ash Shirona is the winner and earn the title Pokemon Master!"Everyone burst out cheering and what made them silence was that Cynthia move yo Ash and give bim a kiss which surprised Ash and leaving him blusing furiously

Once it was done,Ash got a thorphy and all the sudden a voice was heard and Ash facepalm that he knew who he was

Delia - "Goodshow,He cheated!He use a drug to win this match!Arrest him!"Everyone boo at Delia and the traitors which they were piss as hell that she said that the hero drug his Pokemon which was not true

Misty - "SHUT UP YOU F**KING A**HOLES!!YOU ONLY WON BECAUSE YOU DRUG YOUR POKEMON EVERYTIME AND YOU WERE A WEAK TRAINER!!"Then the reefer grab a drug tester and Ash sigh and release all odf his Pokemon

After it look like 30 minints,The Reefer said that Ash's Pokemon were not drug which got everyone angry at the traitors.

Ash - "Now,I would like to have a FUN Time with you all,Traitors"

Brock - "And what's that?"Brock said annoyed

Ash - "I was actually not weak"

Clemont - "Lies!You always lost and you coun't win a stupid League!"Ash look like he wanted to rip out their head and feed it to the hungry Houndoom

Ash - "I was Arceus's Chosen One,The Chosen One is where he or she had to keep the world balanced and it's mission was to stop evil that was spearting thoughout the region.Arceus and I agree to never used my power to win the League,And also i was pretending to be dense and stupid.And now...If i remember correcly,Just a few days ago all of you were trying to kill me,Right?"The Traitors look paled and fear as they were about to leave the Tournament.

They were stopped by a Kyuram who used Galactic and all the Legendaries corner the Traitors and a bright light emmerge and it was reveal to be what shocked evrryone that it was the King of all Pokemon,Arceus

Arceus - "Never mess with the Chosen One ever again,You dirty little Traitors"Then Arceus landed the ground

Arceus - "Now,Everyone i would like to show you something"Arceus then used his Physhic Plate and show everyone the one where Ash was betrayed and a other one where they were trying to kill Ash

The Boy You Know Has Changed(Ash X Cynthia)Where stories live. Discover now