The Eventing Life

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Chapter Two

Training Hard

"Keep him forward Sarah" Shouted Mum.

I focused on keeping him forward, as well as his hind coming up to form the collection.

Both mine and Midnight's weakness was dressage.

That's why we were focusing on flat work more than jumping.

At M I crossed the diagonal over K.

At K I cantered to A.

At A I gave hand galloped him down to M.

At C I walked.

At A I stopped, for the perfect square halt.


After I did my flat work, I took him back to his blue and white cross-ties.

I unsaddled him, taking his blue and white polo's off his dark black legs, putting them into his tack room.

I took off his working bridle, brown, with a blue and white brow band reading MIDNIGHT.

Then, slid his blue and white fluffy halter over his silky, black head.

I took off his brown working saddle with his blue saddle pad, reading in white MIDNIGHT.

When he was unsaddled and all gear was away, I started brushing his shiny black coat.

Then washing him, rugging him, then putting him with his paddock buddies.


That night, I got a phone call from the A.S.J.A.

Which stands for Australian Show Jumping Association.


"Hello, is Sarah McLeod there?"

"Umm, yeah Sarah McLeod is speaking"

"Oh, I'm calling you to advise you that we'll need to interview you for HorseDeals"

"Sure, umm when do you need me?"

"Around a week, so maybe you could tell your parents"

"Sure, bye"



After a week had gone through school, it was already time for the photo shoot.

I woke up at 6:30 am that Saturday morning, had a shower and brushed my long blonde hair.

Around 7 am HorseDeals had arrived with the clothes for myself and the gear for Midnight.

At 8:25 am Mum and Dad had platted Midnight, while some girls from HorseDeals did my makeup and hair.


When the photo shoot was over, I returned Midnight to his paddock to graze.

I sat on the fence dreaming.


{ A|N } Chapter Two is over! Sorry for not getting this chapter done. Well I promised at least 5 facts about me, so hear we go;

1. I'm cool

2. I'm a horse rider

3. I have a few horses

4. My favourite colour is blue

5. I have the greatest friends

Bye Guys! { A|N }

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