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2 years later....
My father and I decided to move back out to our old town called Arcadia. It feels so different here to be back after two years. My father finds a house for the both of us to live in. Everything is just so different. Espeacially when my mother died, new school, house, no friends, and I'm back at this shitty ass town.
Next day....
At school it wasn't so bad a lot of people remembered me. Later on I was in my art class and after a long while in that class I blacked out.....
Jordie's Dream.....
Jordie and a very old friend of his rose are tied up in chairs back to back with tapes on there mouths. A man with a black mask with holes that only show the eyes and mouth. The man walks up to us and start asking questions and yelling and arguing. Later on after that he pulls a gun out and then "BOOM!"

I wake up from the dream. What the fuck?? I thought that was real. It felt so...real.
Later on class was over and I decided that I should go to the bathroom and clean my face so I don't look like a complete fuck up.
I walk into the bathroom and splash water on my face. I walk out the bathroom, the school is completely empty. all of the sudden this gorgeous looking girl walks in she looks so familiar. She's crying. I feel like I know this girl. All of the sudden sam pepper walks towards her what the fuck is he doing here? "Hey sexy." Sam says "don't touch me!" The girl says "you know you want me and want me to do you like I did at the party last week." Sam says "that was rape!! Get the fuck away from me!!" The girl yells sam starts to touch on her and I need to help her. "Hey man get the fuck off of her!" I yell grabbing sam and pushing him to the wall he land on the fire alarm and it goes off. "This isn't over yet you bitches!" Sam says and heads out of the school. "Are you ok?" I ask the girl she looks at me for a second, she grabs her bag and just leaves the school. I walk towards the door and head out.
Beep beep
It's a text from my friend Myles

 Beep beep It's a text from my friend Myles

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He says meet him at the parking lot. I head over to the parking lot and see Myles sitting on his car starring at his phone. "Sup Myles." I say "longtime no see man." Myles says "what made you want to come back?" Myles asked "it's a long story I just had weird day....also a long story and I will tell you some other time." I say "ok but do wann- Myles was cut off by sam "I remember what you did earlier are you trying to act tough you know what it's like down here you fucking birch so don't play little innocent boy Jordie Jenkins." Sam says angrily " fuck you you tried to sexually harass that poor girl...AGAIN!!" I say angrily he grabs by neck and starts running his mouth and threatening me. I got fed up with him so balled my fist and punched the fuck out of him. All of the sudden a car pulls up in front of us. It's that girl again! Myles jumps in to fight sam to give me some time to get In the car. "Jordie get in!" The girl opens the door
I jump in the car and we sped off.....

"Sam is out control fuck!" I say "so you don't remember me?" The girl says
"You look kind of familiar." I say "don't play stupid you dumbass it's me rose rose Dawson" the girl says "yeah I remember you look so grown up." I say looking at her. She chuckles "you miss me?" She asks "of course I missed you. But earlier when i asked if you were ok why did you give me the evil look and just ran away from me?" I ask "first off I couldn't beleive it was you because I really missed you, but I was so pissed because you haven't wtore letters or even tried to contact me for 2 years." She says focusing on the road. "I'm sorry its just that I've been going through hell ever since I left these two years! My mother has been missing for a long ass time and I've been trying to find her while we were in Arcadia and you know that, I was in and out of foster care, I got bullied, I even almost died by people who just don't like me for no apparent reason!" I say
Rose was silent just for a little bit then she says "I'm sorry Jordie, I'm really sorry.......well this is my OTHER home this is a place where if I wanna go home to my family I have to sign out it's like foster care. But we're just gonna sit for a little and I'll go sign out to go home."Rose says parking and then getting out of the car. I get out the car and stare at the house. "This place looks so.....miserable....dark.." I say
"Home shit home!" Rose says

We get up into her room it's very plane and boring.
Nothing spectacular. " sorry my room is so boring, my real home my room is 10x better than this shitty ass room.
"Now let me grab a few things ok?" Rose says "ok." I say she was looking around for some stuff and a picture of her fell out of her pocket and I picked it up I unfolded the photo to see the other side it's her older brother Damien.
Oh! Where's Damien?" I ask
She turns around in fear and snatched the photo away from me. "Where did you find this?" She says trying not to cry "it f-fell out of you pocket." I say nervously. Rose walks to her bed and sits there and cries. "Rose what's wrong ?" I ask "Damien is dead." Rose says " can you tell me what happened?" I ask "yeah.... 2 years ago after you left we were leaving from a friends house and a big truck almost hit us and we swerved off the road down a hill and I blacked out and had a dream but I'm not really sure what it was all I remember was just black. But we all got the car but my brother my mother tried to get him out but it was to late......the car tipped over and fell of the cliff.....
And he died alone...." Rose says crying
I even noticed that tears were coming down my eyes.
"Oh my god.....I wish I would've been there for y-" I was cut off by Rose "BUT YOU WEREN'T!!" She angrily
I feel so horrible
I wish that I was there for her
"Hey I'm sorry I'm just going through a lot of hell right n-" Rose was cut off again but this was by the man who owned the place she staying in.
"Rose you better not have anybody up there!!" The man says " nobody is up here!!" Rose yells back "you know what? I'm coming in!" The man says
Rose runs to the door "Jordie you've got to find somewhere to hide quick!....hide in my closet." I hid in there nervous as shit.
"Open the door!" The man says
"Wait my bra is stuck can I change in my own fucking room??!!" Rose says
The man pushes the door open "what the hell??" Rose says "one of my guns are missing." The man says "ok....and?...that's not my fucking issue it's yours." Rose says "wait is this pot? Have you been sneaking pot in here?" The man says "it's none of your business don't touch it." Rose says "who's pot this belongs to? Hmm I think you!" The man says
I step out of the closet is that the schools security guard Robbie Jennings? "Well well we'll if it isn't Mr. Jordie Jenkins back from the dead?" Says Robbie and he laughs he still the asshole I remember. "Ok robbie get the fuck out!" Rose says "who's pot is this?" Robbie says "like I said none of your fucking business!" Rose says
"And don't look at him it's not jordies!" Rose says
"So this is yours!...why didn't you just die in that with your brother?" Robbie says "FUCK YOU PIG!!!" Rose yells
All of the sudden he punches her in the face. "You asked for you fucking loser nobody will never love you you never amount to anything.." Robbie says he takes the pot throws it at her "see ya around Jordie." Robbie "bye you fucking cunt." I say Robbie gives me a look then leaves. "Are you ok?" I ask "I'm fine....I'll be fine." Rose says wiping the blood off of her nose "nothings new I'm used to it." Rose says "but I'll take you back home and we'll hang tomorrow not here I don't need you to see what I go through" Rose "are you sure you'll be fine?" I ask "yeah I'm fine. Here this is my number." We leave out of the window and she takes me back home "I'll see you around Jordie." Rose says with a sweet grin. She drives off and I get inside and go to my room for the rest of the night.

To be continued....

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2017 ⏰

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