Chapter 1: Rumour Has It

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  My name's Deborah Miller, I'm 16 year old black girl. I was born in Savannah, Georgia and I live in Saint Margaret's orphanage. Unlike many other orphans here, I don't want to find my parents because they must have left me here for a reason -- whatever that is. I'm the third oldest child here, the oldest is Damien Sanchez; Damien is an average looking black boy with slightly curly hair and he's the big brother of the orphanage. The second oldest is Marissa Smith, she's the smartest girl in the orphanage and school by far; she has butterscotch colored skin, and straight flowing hair; Marissa also has thick black glasses on her porcelain face. Last but not least is my best friend Conner Allen, we've been friends since we were five years old. He's as pale as freshly fallen snow and he has short brown hair, and compared to most boys here he looks a little more feminine than the others; He has a thin figure that matches his blue eyes and brown hair -- most people would say he's unique and that you would easily know who he was even if you were blindfolded and put in a pitch black room.

  Lately, there has been rumours circulating through town that people's nightmares have been coming to life. I was starting to think I was in a town full of schizophrenics; everything in the news talked about it. I had turned on the living room TV, " Welcome to Savannah six local news, and today there has been a total of six people saying their nightmares have came to life. Some people say it may be a case of schizophrenia, but others disagree saying that there are many things we don't know about dreams and that this might be a thing we are now discovering an-" the news reporter said, but was soon cut off,

"Turn that off, you're scaring the younger children," Mrs. Nancy said in a stern voice. Mrs. Nancy was a gentle old lady that wouldn't harm a fly. I grabbed the remote and turned off the dusty TV that seemed to be one you'd find in family comedies, " Mrs. Nancy, do you really believe in those silly tales of nightmares coming to life? I mean, you need to see it to believe it, am I right? " I asked Mrs.Nancy only looked at me in deep thought, " Well, you never know, it might be true. There are many things we still don't know about the world, " she replied and I only sighed, "Don't talk about this subject, it's only going to weigh heavy on your mind. Oh, I know! Maybe dinner might take your mind off of those sorts of things, " Mrs. Nancy beamed and practically pushed me into the dining room, " Now you sit down and I'll go get the food. I'll be right back, " Mrs.Nancy assured and scurried off to go get the plates. I sit down next to Damien and Marissa with Conner across from me, " Maybe, they're travelling through different dimensions or something, " Damien joked, until Marissa chimed in, "That can't be possible, I mean even if it was, how did they go there and come back?"

" Marissa, he didn't mean it to be serious y'know, " Conner said, Marissa was always takes things seriously, " Like seriously, how do nightmares come to life?" Damien asked, " If you ask me, it's probably some schizophrenics or maybe a hoax to rile folks up, " I added, " Food's here, " Mrs. Nancy cut in placing our plates down in front of us and the other children. We had pork cutlets with buttery green beans, " Thank you, Mrs.Nancy, " we all had said in unison and stabbed our forks into the pork cutlet.


  After dinner, we all had gotten ready for bed. Like Mrs.Nancy said, My mind did leave the topic of dreams coming to look life. I rested in my purple covered bed, and laid awake with the moon reflecting off of my brown skin. I was soon waiting for sleep to catch up to me as I laid on my bed in the cold hollow room. Then, something had startled me, six knocks on my door. Was I asleep? I got up and turned the knob, when I had opened door it led to a long dark hallway that looked like it came from a horror movie. I walked out into the hallway and the door closed behind me. " I guess it really is a dream, " I said to myself and walked into the abyss of the hallway.

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