Chapter 4: Wolf in Sheep's Clothing

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As we walked out I turned back to see the women, but she wasn't there, ' That's weird, she's no there,' I thought to myself, " What's wrong?" asked Connor as he looked at me curiously, "It's... nothing," I replied debating to tell him or not, " Hmm, okay, if you say so," he shrugs, " C'mon guys the Uber is waiting!" Damien shouted from the exit, " Alright!" I shouted back. Marissa, Connor and I sat in the back, while Damien sat in the passengers' seat, " Where would you like to go?" an elderly woman asked I looked at her and she looked at me, ' The woman! What's going on here?' I ponder as sweat drips down my brow, eyes wide," We'd like to go to Saint Margaret's orphange, please," said Marissa as I could see her smile at her and then smile at me. She started to drive, and when we were near our stop she passed it, " You passed the stop, ma'am," Damien said, " I know," is all she had said to make our blood run cold. We started fiddling with our belt buckles to try and escape, but it wouldn't budge, " Stop! Please stop the car!" Connor yelled at the lady with a grim smirk on her face, she only drove faster on a desserted road, hitting a log on the road, the car flipped into the old forest next to us, and everything went dark.


"This if familiar to you

If they hadn't flipped into a ditch

maybe you'd still be there with them

Not like you'd remember

Not like you'd know I did it

I did everything

Their children,

Are now mine,"

I woke up in a dark room, with blood curling screams that sounded like Marissa, "Marissa! What's going on?" I screamed trying to find a way out by touching and feeling the wall, "She said this isn't real, the only way to escape is to find the right order!" Damien interupted, "Where's Connor?" I ask, "Ugh, right here," he replied as if he just woken up, "We need to calm down, and find a way out," I said. " A few minutes of touching the wall it occured to me, "One, six, three, two, five, four!" I yelled out loud, a projector suddenly apeared, piercing the darkness, we stopped and stared at the screen.


A man and a woman in a rush to get home

their six month baby in the back seat, fast asleep

It began to rain

One mistake, is all it'll take

A sharp turn

Skidding into a ditch

Ambulance sirens blaring

I took you with me to the orphanage

Where you'll remain forever...


A piece of paper on the screen had read, leaving us all baffled; The projector shut off and we were starting to feel nauseas, "Guys...come here...we..have to stay..together," I slurred out we all reached out our hands connecting them.

"I'm sorry," was all we heard after that.


I woke up panicked only to find I was in my room, in my bed, " Deborah! Come eat!" Mrs. Nancy said through my door, " A-alright," I replied reluctantly, 'Who can I trust?' 'Where am I?' ' Did that really happen?' ' How'd we come back here?' 'Who is the strange lady?' but the thought that ran through my head most was, 'Nightmares are real,'

"Don't worry, I can answer all of your questions," I heard a voice say I turn around quickly, nothing was there, " I'm going insane," I whispered to myself, " Maybe we all are," the voice said.

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