A Gathering of Goblins

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The next few days were beautiful. The party was alive with excitement from their visit to Rivendell and were making their way up the Misty Mountains. There was a growing chill in the air, and as the chill grew, clouds came in. Soon, the sky was covered in thick blackness, which reminded Bilbo of Thorin's hair. Bilbo watched as the sky filled with the radiance of lightning. The wind picked up, and soon, it was pouring rain.

Bilbo watched as Thorin grew inpatient with the storm and decide to send a couple of dwarves to find a cave to wait out the storm. The dwarves turned the corner and went out of sight. Thorin and Bilbo became drenched, which caused Thorin to be grumpier than usual and Bilbo to be more cautious than normal. Not long after they left, the dwarves Thorin sent came back saying they had found a cave to camp in until the storm passes. Gandalf was distrustful of the cave, but they went in anyway. They soon set up camp and say down to eat.

The company began discussing what they would do with the treasure they received. One said, "I would build an inn and serve the best food the Mountain has ever seen!" Another said, "I would restart the forges and become a master metal-smith." Bilbo looked at Thorin and asked, "What would you do with the treasure, Thorin?"

Thorin looked up at Bilbo and thought before saying, "The only treasure I truly care about is the Arkenstone. It has been the symbol of power throughout my family for generations and generations. Once I have it back, no treasure would be worth more than that." Bilbo thought about what he himself would do with the treasure. Perhaps he would buy more maps, because he loved maps more than anything. After their discussion, the dwarves all decide to go to sleep. They all fall into a deep slumber, dreaming of what their treasure. However, Bilbo could not sleep as easily as the dwarves. He thought of Thorin's words of the Arkenstone. Perhaps he could steal back the Arkenstone and return it to Thorin. Maybe then he would think of the hobbit more than just a burglar. Bilbo thought this as he finally fell asleep.

His dreams were awful. He dreamt that a crack in the wall opened and that he was slipping. He awoke to find at least one of these to be true; the crack in the cave had grown to where it was the size of a narrow passage. He saw that the ponies were not in the corner, but going down the hallway. He shrieked as he saw this, and this awoke Gandalf just in time. A huge hoard of goblins came in through the passage and grabbed the dwarves and Bilbo and took them down to a town strictly for goblins. They were set down in front of a huge throne where a huge goblin sat. "Who are you miserable people?" said the Goblin.

"Thorin Oakenshield at your service." Bilbo could tell this meant nothing.

Thorin continued to try and reason with the Goblin but it did not good, considering Thorin had the Goblin-cleaver in his sheath. The Goblin was about to kill the company when Gandalf returned, making lightning fill the room. The goblins fell to the ground, leaving the dwarves time to try and escape. They ran while the goblins chased behind. Suddenly, all was quiet. The company stopped, for they heard not a sound. Just as soon as they stopped, all except Bilbo were grabbed from behind and taken away. Poor Bilbo was bumped into by a dwarf being taken by a goblin. He screamed, "THORIN!" before he fell and hit his head, knocking him out completely. Bilbo laid there, alone and unconscious.

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