The Ruin of an Auction

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Elrond paused before looking the hobbit in the eyes. "Your dwarf was very injured when you came to me. He was on his deathbed when we pulled you out of the room. A minute later and he would have died. However, I know my spells and my herbal potions, and he is okay. He should be ready to talk to you tomorrow. I would advise you to wait till tomorrow also if you want Thorin to be in near perfect condition and not as angry as he was when we left." Elrond smiled before walking off. "Oh, and enjoy your breakfast."

Bilbo was so overjoyed that he fainted on the spot, and because of the lack of sleep, he slept until the next day. All he dreamed of was Thorin. When he awoke, he instantly remembered that Thorin was awake, and so he ran to the room. He almost ran over Gandalf in the halls, and Gandalf grabbed the back of his coat as he went by. "I suggest you slow down, otherwise you might run over someone that isn't as generous as me." Bilbo was set down and he nodded at the great wizard before completely ignoring his command and kept running. Gandalf shook his head. "I will never understand love."

When Mr. Baggins finally made it to Thorin's room, out of breath, panting and gasping, he carefully entered. He saw Thorin sitting on the side of the bed opposite of the door. Thorin was trying to gather the energy to stand and walk around, but nearly dying is hard to overcome quickly; even for as mighty of a warrior as Thorin Oakenshield, the Dwarf King.

Bilbo looked at Thorin. He was shirtless, but covered with bandages. Red spots from blood still showed through the white, but at least Thorin was alive. Most of the bandages, however, were covered by Thorin's beautiful hair, which was unruly and blood-stained from the battle. Bilbo felt sad for the dwarf. He couldn't imagine what it would be like for such a strong and independent man to be so weak and helpless.

The hobbit swallowed one last time before walking in. "Thorin?"

Thorin heard the voice and his head and spirits rose instantly. "Bilbo." He tried to turn his body, but it hurt too much. The King winced. Bilbo saw this and ran to the front of the bed. He lied down and and lied Thorin next to him, facing each other. He then held his love gently, as all hobbits do.

"Are you okay, my love?" They said at the same time. After they heard the others' words, they smiled. They both cared so much of each other. Bilbo held back tears. He almost lost this dwarf that he couldn't live without.

"I am okay, dear burglar. Pretty fine for someone who nearly died, as I am told." Thorin paused. "I also was told that you alone saved me from the fight."

Bilbo blushed. "Anyone would have done so for such a... majestic warrior."

Thorin raised an eyebrow. "Not everyone is willing to risk their life to save another."

Bilbo blushed even redder. "Oh, stop it, you. I wasn't going to let the King under the Mountain die when he just became King under the Mountain." the hobbit said as he gently caressed his love's face.

Thorin laughed. "You mysterious hobbit. I thought mystery and majesty was my cup of tea."

Bilbo smirked. "I had to have some way to feel close to you while you were nearly dead." The burglar noticed that Thorin was dozing off. "Speaking of nearly being dead, you should probably get some rest."

Thorin put a hand to the hobbit's coat. He looked like he was to say something, but then he stopped to look at the coat. "You look like you need a change of clothes."

Bilbo looked at his clothes, or lack of them, as well. "You should get some yourself." he giggled.

Thorin looked down at himself. "Perhaps Elrond can have someone make me some clothes. However, we are close to the Shire. We could go get you a change of clothes before we go back for you to say goodbye to the company." This last part Thorin said with hurt, but Bilbo didn't know what he was to do. He loved Thorin and he liked the company; he wanted to stay with them. But what would the hobbits back home think of him running off with dwarves? He was torn between love and expectations. But maybe Thorin didn't love him enough to keep him around. He was a hobbit, and Thorin was a dwarf. It might be a scandal for a dwarf to have feelings for a halfling.

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