Chapter Two

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"You took longer than expected."

Dalia stumbled through the backdoor of the club into the cloudy night who's the air thick with the promise of rain. The only source of light was a flickering street light that illuminated the alley with a dim yellow haze. Beneath the flickering light Dalia found Sebastian leaning against the brick wall with his arms crossed and his face dripping with shadows, somehow making him even more frightening.

She made no move towards, but instead let a glare settle on the tall boy.

"And you definitely took your sweet time," She spoke in a deadly tone. As she recalled that moment in the booth where Jonathan had pressed his body closely to her's and how he ran a slimy hand under her dress just grazing her womanhood.

Dalia could have killed him right there.

Sebastian seemed unfazed and just stared at her with a blank gaze, "I thought you would enjoy a little manhandling."

Dalia knew he said it just to hurt her, and she knew she couldn't let it get to her, but she yet that still didn't stop her as she pushed Sebastian to the wall, and pressed the knife, still coated in Jonathan's blood, against his throat.

A sly smile spread against Sebastian's full lips and his eyes twinkled with a challenge, "Go ahead," she could feel his warm breath fan her face, "I dare you."

For a moment Dalia was going to, she was going to slide her knife clean across his throat just as she did to Jonathan only a few minutes early. Only this time she would stay and watch. Stay and watch as he fell to the drop, with the blood spilling uncontrollably from his neck, and watch as that stupid smirk fall from his face.

For a moment she was going to do all those things.

Though in the end she let the knife fall limply to her side, and took a step back.

She glared up at Sebastian with her eyes still ablaze with fury, "The plan was that you would step in the moment we entered the booth."

Sebastian held her raging gaze, "Well, I assumed you could handle yourself, and I had to make sure he was distracted "

The two looked at each other, Dalia's dark eyes searched his looking for any indication that what he said was actually true, but alas his eyes remain blank as always.

Dalia broke the eye contact and let her eyes fall to the floor, "He could have done something." Her voice was barely above a whisper.

She heard Sebastian sigh, and suddenly he was stepping forward and resting his a hand underneath her chin and tilting her head up, forcing her gaze to meet his.

"I would never let anyone hurt you." When he spoke his voice was filled with a certain tenderness, and for a moment Dalia felt herself actually believe him. She thought that for a moment he actually cared about her, and that he wouldn't let anyone ever hurt her again.

But this is Sebastian Slater, and in the next moment he had Dalia pushed roughly against the wall, with her knife against her own throat. Just like the position she had him in moments before.

He leaned forward so his lips were brushing her ear, and with a frightening low voice he spoke, "But if you ever hold a knife to my throat again, or even think about it; do not think I won't hesitate to gut you."

Dalia's breath grew ragged and her heartbeat became rapid at his threat, knowing that it was not an empty one.

Sebastian leaned back and met her gaze for what felt like the millionth time tonight, "Do you understand?"

Dalia shook her head with such force her long black hair began to fling about.

"Good," Sebastian pushed off of her and began to make his way out of the alleyway and towards the street, "Come on Dalia, Antonio will want an update."

Dalia watched after Sebastian in complete shock at what just happened. One second they were having a moment and in the next he was threatening to kill her. He was impossible to understand, and right now was not the time try to figure him, because she knew that if she did not hurry after him he would indefinitely leave her behind. 


Wow so there's totally no sexual tension between these two ;)

Also another song that has nothing to do with the chapter, but oh well. 

AlSo there's Dalia played by Radhika Nair.

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