Chapter Three

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Antonio had hired the services of Sebastian on multiple occasions, but yet every time Sebastian had stepped foot into the office of Antonio Alessi he was always overwhelmed by how extravagant it was.

The walls were adorned with deep red paints, paintings from world renowned artists, and windows that had golden curtains draping over them. Despite the lavish decorations there was one thing that truly caught you eye; the grand oak desk. It was a deep magnony with delicate carvings, and stretched almost all the way from wall to wall. The whole room was a display of wealth and power, two things Antonio loved.

"You've done good, my boy." Antonio was old man, just barely hitting sixty, and his age was beginning to show. His tanned skin was beginning to look like aged leather, wrinkles were forming around his dark eyes and his forehead. His once thick black hair is now thinning and peppered with grey. Even his age is beginning to affect is actions, making him lazier and significantly drunker. Once upon a time he would have gotten rid of Walker all by himself, instead of reclining in his lavious office with a wine glass only inches from his hand.

"Thank you," Sebastian spoke curtly as he laid his cold eyes on Antonio. He sat rigid in the chair directly across from him, trying to contain his agitation. Antonio always wanted Sebastian to stay and chat, and the last thing Sebastian wanted to do was play check-up with some washed-up italian that drinks too much.

"Did he go down easy or was a bit of a struggle?" Antonio eyes lit up with childish like excitement, even though he was old, it didn't mean he didn't enjoy relieving a killing.

"You would have to ask Dalia," Sebastian said, "She was the one that finished him off."

Perhaps you should tell her to come over here sometime so she could tell me herself." Antonio relaxed back into his chair with a look of lust in his eyes.

Sebastian fought to keep control, and not to beat Antonio into a bloody pulp right then.

Antonio still thought of her as the little girl he bought to be used for profit in his strip club, Lover's Quarrel, where the girls there are forced to do more than just strip.

Sebastian still remembers the first time he saw Dalia, who at the time was named Charlotte . He was in a meeting with Antonio about some job, when a guard from Lover's Quarrel barged into the room, with a girl trailing in after him. The first thing Sebastian notice what the blood stained her silk, white slip dress, the uniform all girls wore at the club, and the blood that had coated her arms, her neck. Then he noticed the girl's beauty, she possessed high cheekbones, plump full lips, soft brown eyes, and long, thick black hair that dangled at the way to her waist. She looked scared, terrified, she knew what was coming and there was no way to stop it.

"What is it Dimitri?" Antonio had once huffed in annoyance.

"One of your girls, Charlotte," He had said, "She attacked one of her clients and killed him."

This sparked Sebastian's interest even further, "How?" He had cut off something Antonio was saying, but his curiosity was overwhelming, "The girls aren't allowed anything that could remotely be used as a weapon." Hi eyes were solely focused on the blood stained girl, blocking out Antonio and Dimitri.

The girl tilted her head up to look back at him, "The champagne glass." She spoke in just a barely audible tone, "I broke one and used a shard as a knife."

Sebastian never got the full story of how Dalia managed to kill the man. She never talked about it, even when he asked. He never got the full story of why she did it, but from the horror stories he had heard from the other girls at the club, he could only imagine. But the why never really matter to Sebastian, because moments after having that brief conversation with her, Sebastian talked Antonio out of punishing her and talked him into selling her over to him.She cost Sebatian over two weeks worth of jobs, but over the next two years Sebastian trained her to be one of the deadliest women alive. She become anyone he desired her to be, kill a man twice her size, and adapt to the trickiest situations.

She was a force to be reckoned with but yet Antonio still saw her as a scared little girl. It was a misconception that was going to come bite him the ass sooner or later.

Sebastian did everything in his power to swallow his anger, and put on a sly smile, "Maybe, but Dalia not really a talker."

Antonio let out a bark of laughter, "I not really looking for much of a talker, my boy." Antonio's smile was sinister like the double meaning behind his words.

"I'm sure you got a supply of girls at the ready, Antonio," Sebastian said, "Let's not dip into my own supply." Sebastian glanced down at the watch on his wrist. He has been here for over thirty minutes, which means he's been here for 29 minutes too many.

"Now in terms of our payment Antonio," Sebastian prompted in hopes to speed up the process.

"Okay very well," Antonio pulled out a small black backpack and laid it on the table, " It's all there."

Sebastian walked forward to the desk and unzipped the bag, to reveal stacks upon stacks of money. Sebastian slung the bag over his shoulder and let his gaze fall onto Antonio, "It was a pleasure to do business with you, Antonio."

"As always," He held the gaze of the young boy for a moment longer, "Now get the hell out of my office." 


So there's a tiny bit of Dalia's  back story, and yeah. 

Song= Miserable America- Kevin Abstract. 

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