"Belle, Prince Daniel it is time for dinner come on inside and wash up." She closes the window and begins to head back downstairs towards her husband and her children waiting at the dinner table.
"Coming mother, come on Daniel tonight we're having a roast."
"I should really get home, my parents will be waiting." Belle enters the house.
"Where is the prince, I thought he was going to stay for dinner what happened?" Belle takes her seat at the table next to her father.
"He was going to join us but then he figured that he spent a lot of nights over here having dinner with us he should go home and have dinner with his parents tonight." the mother sits down at the table and begin to serve herself after she says herself she starts the prayer the whole family holds hands and bother heads after lovely prayer to conversation begins to pick up.
"So Belle, what did you and the prince get into today?"
"We went to the market today and we play with the goat and oh mother Mary has the liveliest dog, she came up to me and she licked my hands then we played tag together. Daniel was....."
"Prince Daniel."
"Okay mother, the prince then joined in with the dog and me as well and we all started playing it was so much fun."
"Belle......" She looks at her husband with a worried look. "Belle, it's almost time for Prince Daniel to stop coming over here so much."
"Well honey, he is going to be groomed to become King."
"I know that mother, Daniel and I have been playing that in the field today."
"No baby."
"I understand mother, the King told me. Besides he going to run a kingdom one day with his queen."
3 Years later: Belle's 16th birthday
"Daniel." Where is that boy?
"Yes, mother."
"Come on, or we'll be late to Belle's party."
"I hope she like my gift."
"By the way what did you get her?"
"I can't tell you that mother."
"The queen and the prince has arrived." Belle runs to the door, but catches herself before she reaches the queen and the prince."
"Thank you for coming." They give her a smile, Daniel walks in and whispers something in Belle's ear, the queen notices.
"Daniel, let's go sit." They both enter the house and find a seat away from the party.
"Son, what was that?"
"What was what mother?"
"What did you tell Belle?"
"That's a secret."
"Daniel, you need to forget this silly fantasy that you and Belle are ideal for each other. A girl from the Dutnue district has been picked for you."
A King's Choice
القصة القصيرة" Belle we have been friends for years is only natural for us to get married and besides you are the one I choose to be my queen to roll by my side when I become King." " I am NOT Noble birth I am poor, my family is only noble because of your fathe...