Chapter 1: Three Times

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            Glimpsing at his watch, a gasp emitted from his mouth as he pulled the door to his apartment shut, twisting the knob to make sure it was locked. Oh, man! I'm so freaking late. Johnny is going to kill me. Mentally scolding himself for staying up most of the night to beat the boss of the new video game that his cousin bought for him. Stumbling in his steps, the slender young male clumsily headed toward the elevator. "Please hold the door," he shouted whilst fastening up his blue jeans.

Long tan fingers reached over to press for the doors to stay opened, as requested.

With a half zipped backpack looped around one arm, sweaty fingers fumbled to start buttoning up his red and white plaid shirt. Not wanting to make the person in the lift wait, he hurried in his steps only to trip on his own foot. Wildly flailing his arms in hopes of acquiring his balance, all have failed as his forehead crashed right into the taller man's hard chest. Oh, crap! This is bad. Not knowing what to do, his eyes nervously shifted from side to side in a panic because his hair was stuck to the stranger's shirt.

Seeing a white, creamy soft bare shoulder peeking out of a partially buttoned up shirt, the original occupant of the elevator gulped to keep his composure. His Adam's apple bobbed in his throat and he managed to ask in a deep voice, "Are you okay?"

"I...I'm stuck."


"My hair is caught on a button or something."

Glancing down, he realized that it was indeed what the other assumed. Carefully untangling the dark brown strands from his shirt button, he again noticed the smooth white skin teasing him. "Okay, you're free."

Embarrassed, the shorter male backed away as he straightened up. "S-Sorry. Thank you..."

As the lad distanced himself, his exquisite facial features became more visible to the man. Straight eyebrows, large doe eyes, a nose with a slight arch to indicate a somewhat stubborn personality, and well defined upper lip with a much fuller bottom lip. He's gorgeous. That was all that popped into the towering man's mind, because he was completely mesmerized.

At the same time, the lad felt a bit intimidated by the other's great height. His deep set eyes were accompanied by a pair of thick brows which slanted upwards, similar to the heroes depicted in Chinese martial arts dramas. He had a perfectly straight nose and lips that appeared as though he was smirking. Then again, maybe he was smirking at him. Nevertheless, the man was so handsome; he looked like a model from a fashion magazine.




The instant he noticed the sweat imprint his forehead had left on the man's white shirt, his eyebrows furrowed. "Your shirt...sorry."

Following the lad's gaze, the man looked down at his own shirt and smiled. "It'll dry."


"You already apologized three times."

What the heck? Why is he even counting?

"You're not supposed to say anything thrice in a short amount of time or else..."

"Or else...what?"

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