Heh, this is only the beginning!

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( Writing on an Ipad is a c ur  s e. I'll update this chapter when I get back on my laptop m8's )

( Edit, Okey dokey! I got it edited! It should look a bit cleaner now I hope! )

( No ones POV )

It was currently midnight and it was cold outside, afterall, it is December. The stars shone brightly in the night sky with a beautiful crescent moon to enhance the beauty. On nights like these is were you love to lie on your roof, stargazing for hours at a time pointing out your favorite constellations or even making your own. It was just so... peaceful..

 You always love to do this at midnight seeing that many people are asleep by then and there are very few people in the streets to pay attention to a mutant such as yourself. You like the silence, but that's not why you come out here at this time, no not at all.

You raise your three fingered green hands and let out a small sigh. You were human before all this happened, but you don't mind being a mutant turtle. Sure its weird to wake up and see you don't have your ( H/L ) ( H/C ) ( Hair Color and Hair Lengh ) hair, smooth ( S/T ) ( Skin tone ) skin, and normal sized fingers that were five for each hand, but you get used to it.. Eventually.. Its actually been 2 years ago when you were 17 when this all happened. You still can't ever forget this day but, its better to remember than forget.

( Flaaaaaaaaashbaaaaaaack~ )

You were walking home, groceries in hand as you walked down the sidewalk. You had just came from the super market with 2 bags filled with groceries. You were humming a short tune you literally just came up with and to you, it was catchy as fuuuuck. That was until you heard the sounds of iron against iron. You stopped in your tracks and noticed that the sound was just coming from the roof on top of you. Who the hell does this kind of shit this late at night?

'Oh hell no, I ain't goin' through this cliche bullshit.' You think to yourself, as you started to speed walk in the direction of your house. Curiosity killed the cat, bitch. You started to see your house ahead and you were about to break until a run, until you heard another noise. But this time, it was voices.

"H-hey give that back!" One nerd-ish sounding voice spoke as you heard a hard WHACK of a weapon and then a low growl that sounded similar to a wolf. The sounds of fighting grew louder  until another voice spoke, sounding as if they shoked down a ball of happiness. "Don't worry dudes, I got this!" 

"MIKEY NO!" You heard about 3 voices shout before you heard what seemed to be 'Mikey' say, "BOOYAKASHAAAAAA!" And then an "Oops" followed not even a second after. You felt something hard land on your head and then a shatter of glass as some gooey substance starting to roll down. It was starting to roll down your neck and onto your other body parts.You tried to shake it off but to no avail as it stuck on like a nail in wood. At a fast pace, it started to coat your whole body in the substance and then immense pain was bought to you as if a boulder just smacked right into you.

You dropped to your knees as it felt like your skin was being pulled apart and then someone poured gallons of lemon juice onto your bear flesh. Your eyes burned as if you stared at the sun for hours  and your hands and feet felt like someone was sawing through your flesh and bones. You held in your screams of agony and your salty tears as this pain spread through all of your body, feeling as if it would never stop until literal centuries passed.

You heard the same voices starting to shout words you couldn't quite make out and then several footsteps starting to fade away as you were left there alone, with some weird ass substance covered onto your body. After what seemed like years of being tortured, it started to slowly go away, dripping off your arms as if it became like water, running down your skin. But as the pain faded away into soreness, you felt very different, as if you swapped bodies with someone unknown to you.

You slowly started to stand up and for some reason, you felt.. Taller, squishier yet harder, and just so..different. You take a look at your hands but instead, you are met with square like fingers, twice the times your size, that was colored in an unusual dark green color that would be very uncommon to humans but you knew that seeing these changes on you, you definitely weren't human. You take a look at your torso and legs and see that you had on a shell, and that your feet were way different than what it used to be. They were larger than your normal feet and you were sure that no shoe can ever fit you. All of your clothes were lying on the concrete below you, torn into shreds, and the only thing that remained was your locket/necklace that was in the shape of a heart. 

But as you noticed all these changes, you realized 'People can see me here and judging by my appearence, they won't be happy to see a giant turtle walking around here. I better get home, and fast.' You look at your scattered groceries and you quickly set them back in your plastic bags, and then started to sprint home, making sure that nobody can see you. 

( End of the flashback. )

You put your left hand down and take a look at your right wrist which had a watch that somehow fit you. '1:26 AM' it read and you decide to stargaze for just a few more hours. But you being busy looking at the beautiful sky above you, you didn't realize that a quadruple of turtles were keeping a close eye on you..

( eeeeeeeeeEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! Okay okay I know, I should totally stop making so many new books at once, but I couldn't help it! This book was stuck in my mind and I just had to write it! I've got many ideas for this book so I hope you TMNT fans or even others who want to get into it enjoy this! A little side note, this will be taking place around the first 2 or 3 series. I heard about the ideas for the new episodes in the new season and I just... N o. I don't know about you guys, but vampires and stuff like that? Are you kiddin me? ImeanunlessthatthesourceIgotitfromwaslyingtomesomehowthenmaybeitmightbegoodoHgOdIMrAnTinGjkBjkbakbBjbkBjBhkBHGjvgGfdDFsAsrSrAsaRSsDrsFGdhFjGkgKhGygJHGj )

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