You need f o o d

201 8 4

( No one's POV )

You and the four turtles all sneaked your way through the streets of New York, trying your best not to be spotted. You may not be a ninja, but you are very stealthy. After minutes of sneaking around and Mickey whining for 'pizza', you all finally make it to the place. Apparently, the place is called 24/7 ( According to my sources hhhghhghggh ) The five of you went into the shop  where an old man with circular shades and a white cooking outfit on along with a green shirt was preparing some food. You weren't sure what but it smelled good.The turtles got these tokens and gave them to the man.

"If you didn't know dudette, his name is Murakami." Mickey whispers to you as he takes a seat next to you. You gave a little nod and you watched as this Murakami as Mikey says feels the tokens and smiles, going to prepare for what you guessed is the food.

You and the turtles wait patiently for your food and the four make a small conversation about something called "The Kraang." You heard that name from somewhere but you shrugged it off, deciding it wasn't very important. After minutes of waiting, Murakami places down 5 small trays of food and the turtles light up like a lightbulb just by seeing them. You all thank Murakami for the food and the turtles immediately dig in. But for you, you tilt your head as you look at the food, not being very sure what it is.

Raphael, who was on the other side of you, noticed your confusion so he speaks up "They are called Pizza Gyoza.(theyarecalledthatright?cantlookitupatmsoooo)  If your not going to eat yours, then I will." You just give a slow nod as you pick up the chopsticks that were provided and pick up the small dumpling. You open your mouth and you put it in your mouth, chewing a little. Flavor burst into your mouth as your eyes widened a little. You weren't expecting it to be so..good..!

You swallow the Gyoza and you get to work on your second one. Then third, then fourth, And then the fifth. That was one of the best meals you have eve eaten! You have to search up the recipe later.

Raph was a bit disappointed that he couldn't choke down your Gyoza so to cheer him up, you gave him your sixth one to which he basically vored. God dayum son.

You and the turtles then stand up and bow to Murakami, saying your thanks before leaving. The man waves to you all before he goes to do whatever the heck he does.

"Maaan dudes, I don't know about you but I can eat those aaaaallll daaayyy!" Mikey says, putting his arms behind his head as he smiles a little. You all nod in agreement. You all sneak your way back to your house and this time, Raph got to carry you to which he was trying to hide his cherry face. You noticed and you teased him a little about it to which he threatened to drop you....youkeptteasinghimanyways.

Finally, they reached the top and Raph settled you down. "Welp, we better get going. Wouldn't want to stay out for too long now." Leonardo says as he gives you a small wave, hopping down from your building. "Agreed. See you soon!" Donatello says, flashing his gappy smile before joining Leo. "Peace out, dudette!" Mickey says saluting you playfully as he joined his two brothers. All that was left now was Raph who just crossed his arms.

"Welp, hate to say this already but, see you tomorrow, Sweetheart." He says giving you a pat on the head as he joined his brothers. You stood there for a moment, processing for what happened  while your heart started to beat faster and you felt your face get warm. You never felt these feelings before and it felt weird but yet.. It felt amazing.. You put a hand to your cheek, feeling the warmth that was spreading all over your face as you felt fluttering in your stomach, as if butterflies were set free in your stomach.


( WeEEEEeEee Finally had the time to make a new chapter! I'm sorry that its a bit shirt but,I hope you all enjoy!  See you next time my lovely readers! 

Also a small sidenote, if you want anything to happen in the story, let me know and I might put it in here! I love hearing all of your ideas!)

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