*slow dances to all star*

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( Please read the A/N down below the chapter. Its kinda important m dudes. )

( No Ones POV )

As time flew by, you and the turtle brothers started to grow closer. They were like family to you! Mikey was like the little brother, adorable but can be quite annoying,( *gET hIT bY nUnCHUcKS fRoM tHE mIKeY fAnS* ) Donatello was like the nerdy older brother that will use science as pick up lines yet will get flustered over hand holding, Leo was like the oldest brother that was very protective over everyone and just wants whats best for them, and for Raph..

He was just amazing. He wasn't like a brother to you but, more of a best friend with benefits. You loved everything about him and what he does. You love how he is a hot head and a huge tsundere about little things, you love how violent he gets because you think its funny, you love how much he secretly cares about his brothers, and so much more.

But there's one thing you have been noticing lately. You have been able to feel emotions. You used to just feel like a hollow shell, only feeling small emotions like confusion and such but now. You feel so much more. When you see the turtle brothers, you always have a happy feeling inside of you as if you just got 50 bucks for doing nothing. And with Raph, you always have a weird feeling, like a cage of butterflies went loose inside your stomach, when you see him, your face starts to heat up like an oven, and even when he touches you, you always feel a shiver go down your spine. To put it short,

You loved Raphael..

You let out a sigh as you thought about Raph again, looking out of your aparment window as the cold air blew onto your green face. You were just admiring the view of the sky tonight, admiring the black void of what we call space-

"hEY DUDETTE!-" Mikey was about to say before your eyes widened as you punch him in the face, him letting out a girly shriek from the impact as he fell to your balcony, clutching his nose..? In pain. You realized what you just did and you say "Holy crack sorry Mickey! I thought you were someone else!" You quickly pick up the turtle with ease and remove his hands from his..umm..nose.. and take a look at the damage you made. You quickly grab your mini med kit and you pop it open for a band aid. You take out a large Lightning McQueen band aid and you go back over to Mikey, carefully putting the band aid on his nose. 

"Really sorry Mikey!" You say, worry written across your face. Mikey smiles as you help him stand up and he says "No sweat, dudette! Its cool!" You give him a small smile and the rest of the turtle brothers drop into your aparment as Donatello says "We heard a really girly shriek and we knew it was Mikey! What happened?" You turn to the brothers and say "He just startled me. That's all." They nod, understanding the situation as the same thing happened to Raph when he decided to scare you. The bruise on his cheek says so.

"Nice band aid." Leo says, grinning at the LMC band aid that was resting on Mikeys nose. Mikey grins at this and he makes a small 'kAcHOW' noise. "Anyways, we were here to ask if you wanted to perhaps go to our lair? We have been to your house many times and we want to invite you to ours." Leo says with a smile.

You think for a moment then you say "Sure, why not? Sounds fun." They all smile at this and Leo says "Great! Then lets go! Raph, you can carry her." Raph scoffs and a small red tint goes to his cheeks. His brothers jump out of the window and Raph picks you up bridal style before he goes after his brothers. You knew how to get done easy peasy, but being carried is much easier.

All the brothers make it to the ground and they go to the nearest sewer hole thingyidontknowthenameof, and it was only behind your house. NOiCe Leo opens the lid and he climbs down the ladder, Donnie then Mikey being next. Raph carries you with one arm and he goes down the ladder, being caution not to drop you. Wait.. Why is he still carrying you..? ( cause he wANTS to TOucH dAt AsSsS mMmMM- wait..your a turtle... TUrTlE AsSS WooOOoO- )The brothers lead the way to the lair once the two of you make your way down, and the foul smell hits you. You didn't really gag or anything, seeing as you have smelled way worse. Way..way worse...

As the five of you walk, you start to see a dim light coming from an entrance to something. Shortly after, you all enter the place and you look around as Raph sets you down onto your own legs. You were pretty impressed for what they did to the place. You were starting to wonder how they got all of this.

"Welcome to The Lair dudette!" Mikey says as Leo growls and says "i wAs GoInG To SaY tHAt!" Mikey just grins at him as he runs off to shove some of that cheesy goodness down his throat.

Leo groans and he goes to the couch to watch some space heroes. "I'm going to go to my lab to do a few experiments. Feel free to make yourself at home!" Donatello says with a gappy smile as he walks to his lab, waving at the two of you. You give him a small wave back and Raphael says "Wanna see my room?" You nod at him and Raphael takes your hand, leading you to his room. You feel that oh so familiar tingle down your spine as butterflies swarm in your stomach. 

"After this, I want you to introduce you to our Sensei, Master Splinter, okay?"

( Hey ya'll. Sorry for not updating for a while but plplll. I'm starting to slowly loose interest in the TMNT fandom and I just wanted to ask. If I were to discontinue this book, would any of you like to pick it up and continue it? I am thinking about discontinuing it after perhaps a few chapters and I just wanted to know. I am sorry if I do decide to discontinue it but I hope you guys will understand. Don't worry though! Its not over yet! I think I will watch a few of the old episodes so I can get inspiration and such and even continue the whole book if I regain the lost interest. 

But my question still remains.

If I DO discontinue the book. Would any of you readers like to continue it with your and perhaps my ideas [ If you want ] in the future? Let me know please, I will see you in the next chapter! Stay awesome my dear readers! )

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Feb 22, 2018 ⏰

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