If zombies attacked! ;)

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Shh..." Yazmin, Lauren, Steffi, Jacob and Lusia where quite happily enjoying their lunch in room 24 when they attacked. If they were not in the security of their English class room they'd be dead for sure, or at least one of them. It was remarkable just how rapidly the zombies contaminated the entire school. luckily they were out of harm's way, for now.

The panic was just to much for little, darling Jacob, curling up in the corner, he began to cry. Lauren was the first to go reassure him.

"Look, we can't hind in here forever." Luisa shouts, not really being very discrete considering there's a zombie apocalypse going on.

"Luisa's right, we need supplies" Says Yazmin bravely because she's awesome!

"We need to be quick and subtle about this, to much noise and the zombies will know we're here, Steffi, you go to the canteen, get as much food as you can, we'll all meet you there in 10 Min's!" Lauren stands up from Jacobs side who has now began to rock. Steffi agrees and runs out the room for the canteen. "Yazmin and Luisa, you go to the DT room, grap saws, hammers, axes, any awesome weapons that we can use to kick their undead asses!" Yazmin looks thrilled and Luisa jumps to the idea and they run to go kick some zombies butts!

"Jacob..." Lauren whispers in a soothing voice. He looks up and his eyes are all red a puffy from crying so much and nods.

"I'm going to need you to come with me to pupil services so we can get first aid supplies, is that okay?" He agrees and gradually they plod off into the unknown....

To Be Continued.... If I can be arsed ;D

Ignore Jacob, this is what would really happen if zombies attacked!Where stories live. Discover now