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{~~~~ Jung (You) POV}:

The moment was coming. I had to push Jongup away from me, even though he was stronger than me. So, I just removed Jongup's hands off my waist and pushed him back. He stumbled a little, but I was able to walk away from him.

"_______! Wait!" Jongup shouted, running after me. 

I kept ignoring him and tears started to gather in my eyes, but I blinked them away. I was walking down the stairs and noticed that some of the girls gasped as they saw Jongup and they seem to swoon over him. Suddenly, I ran into someone's hard back. 

"Ah!..." I mumbled, while rubbing my forehead. 

"Yah... Watch where you're-"

"Oh, it's you again." Jungkook slowly grinned. 

"Why do I always run into you?" I asked myself, giving him a glare.

"Because it might be fate." Jungkook winked at me.

"Yah. It's not." I said with an annoyed tone. 

"Hey, Miss. Cranky Pants. Fine, I won't say anything cheesy." He made a small smile. 

I just stared at him with an un-interested look. I just scoffed and heard my name being called again. I turned around and saw Jongup running after me, with girls swooning over him. 

"_______! Please wait." Jongup shouted.

"Umm... I'm going now." I quickly excused myself.

I quickly ran out of the building, before Jungkook can say anything else. My heart beated so fast, that I took a deep breath. I had to get away from Jongup, because I was suppose to forget him, because of what he did. There was something else that he did, that made me not trust him again. 

*Ring! Ring! Ring!*

I look down and saw that my phone was vibrating in my pocket. So, I grabbed it and answered it. 

"_______!" My friend shouted from the other line.

"Ah! Hey, calm down will you.?" I softly said.

"Haha. Sorry, I just called to see if you wanted to come to Lisa's beach party tonight." Anna said with a happy tone. 

"And Lisa didn't even want to call me." I said, making a frown.

"Well, she wanted to, but she got busy of planning and organizing her party. So are you coming?" Anna questioned, sounding curious. 

"Yeah, why not? It's my best friend's birthday party." I lightly giggled.

"Great, see you then, beautiful~~~." Anna sang, before hanging up the phone. 

Later, I hung up the phone and put it back into my pocket. I laughed at my friend's voice and continued to walk down the busy block. Looking around the busy place and strip malls, a music store caught my eye. So, I decided to go over there. Once, I entered the store, I heard many kinds of music playing and I went over to the K-Pop area of the store. I scanned through the CD's and albums of many different artists, until one caught my eye. It was an album of Taeyang: Ringa Linga. I slowly grabbed it and looked at the cover and the tracklist. Until a voice distracted me...

♥A Hot Jerk, JungKook♥Where stories live. Discover now