I will make it up to you...

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Mikey's PoV:

It's been a week now since the "Incident"... 

Nothing really happened since then. I had a high fever and my Brothers wouldnt stop worrying all the time. The fever dissapeared after two days but I was still kinda week and tired all the time so I wasnt really allowed to leave the lair. If we had to go on patrol my Brothers always took care so that one of them stayed with me and Donnie's been in doctor mode ever since. But honestly? I feel totally great! Just... the only Thing my Brothers dont know about .... I've been coughing up blood from time to time ... sometimes even nose bleeds but I wasnt in any pain or anything! Just tired. That's why I prever not to tell em about that... They would just be even more worried and they still dont know what happened to me .. well... that day... But I'm sure it will only take another week, maybe two and eveything will be just the same as it was again! Then I'll just be the same old Mikey who ruins everything...

Man... I really do mess up sometimes... I'm still so sorry that I destroyed that Invention ... I just panicked and didnt know what else to to when they pointed it at Don and Raph... Guess we will never find out what it was...

Hold on... buut what if...

I'm so dump! We know where Shredder's hideout is! I- I can go and try to find out what it was! Or even better what they are planning! You never know... But I owe this my Brothers! I screwed up so many times. Time to Change something and put it right!

Ok... now theres just one Problem... they wouldnt let me go topside at my curent health Situation would they? Guess I'll have to sneak out when it will be dark and everyone's asleep... I'm orry Bro's... but we cant wait any longer...

Hmm... but still six more hours to go... Argh! The just sitting and doing nothing I hate it so much! Just sitting here and... thinking... And I still Need answers about this weird Meditation we've had done. I actually haven't even told anyone about it yet.. I honestly should ask Sensei about it... I'm sure he'll try to help me! That's it! I'm gonna go right now to him and-

3rd Persons PoV:

Mikey was about to walk to the door. When he opened it he saw someone in front of it who was about to knock on the door,

"Oh, uuh... Hey Mikey"

"oh, Hey Leo"

"I just wanted to see how ur doin"

"Bro I'm fine really! The fever is gone and I'm feeling already way more energetic than before so everythings fine! But can we talk later I quickly gotta go to Sensei"

"Hey Mikey hold up a sec-"

"Cool then see ya later!"

Mikey quickly closed the door to his room and rushed over to the Dojo. That woke Leo's curiosity. He slowly followed Mikey to the dojo through the lair. Donnie and Raph were there too and watched Crognard. Leo pointed at the dojo. Donnie and Raph understood and the three of them went quietly together to the door of the Dojo to hear why Mikey wanted to talk to Splinter alone.

Of course the Brothers hated to spy on their Family, but they still didnt knew what was going on with Mikey, so they had to. They all knew how Mikey was. Yes, he likes to annoy the People and loves jokes and all, but if somethins wrong with him he would never admit it, he never wants to be a burden to anyone. Especially not his Family. He always wants to solve this sort of things alone. People maybe don't see it but this lil guy can really be tough. Mikey knows that his Brothers are always there for him, even if he messes up sometimes. And they know that Mikey would also be there for them. After all they are Family. But if one of their Family members has a Problem, they are going to find out what it is.

No matter what.

A/N; Woop sorry for the Long wait! And the cliffhanger ups. Hope ya'll had a nice Christmas and a good 2017 <3

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