< England is online>
<France is online>
<America is online>
< Canada is online>
America: wat up dudes
England: Use proper grammar! You bloody git! I did not raise you to use im-proper grammar.
America: if I recall properly you didn't raise me at all
France: Ooooooohhhhh buuuurrrrnnnn!!
Canada: Hello everyone!
England: Stay out of this frog face!
France: No
America: take a chill pill dudes
England: Don't tell me what to do you bloody wanker!
Canada: I'm naked.
France: REALLY!!!!!
Canada: Now you respond?!?!
France: CANADA I WILL BE RIGHT THERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
<France is offline>
Canada: Oh, crap! I'm screwed!!!!
< Canada is offline>
America: wat waz that about
England: I have no idea.
<America and England are offline>