{ Author nim POV } Its the first day of school for blackpink and bts they were excited to see each other again but little did they know they have tons of path and troubles along the way. { Rosé POV } Its the first day of school and im excited to finally see jisoo unnie, jennie unnie and lisa i woke up a mess. So i took a shower and choose my clothes and did my hair and make up.
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After i did everything i texted jisoo unnie, jennie unnie and lisa through our gc ( group chat ) Blackpink group chat Rosé : Hey guys!
Juchi : Hey rosé whats up?
Jen-Jen : Yeah is there something wrong? Oh and lisa get ready its the first day of school
Lalisa : Unnie! I dont want to go! 😭
Rosé : Hahahaha! Lisa you need to get ready or we will be late !
Lalisa : Unnie no! 😡
Juchi : Lalisa Manoban if you dont get ready we will leave you behind and tell YG PD nim that you skipped class cause you dont want to.
Lalisa : Unnie no!
Jen- Jen : Lisa just listen to your unnie and no one will get mad.
Rosé : Yeah lisa just listen plus jisoo unnie is impatient so you better hurry.
Lalisa : Okay! Okay! Ill listen geez ill get you guys in the future
Rosé : Good we will meet at our usual spot you guys better be there in 10 minutes from now okay? Okay great bai bai ♥️ ***********
I got at our usual spot and jennie unnie is already there so i called out to her " Unnie ! " after i called her she looked at me and said " Rosé jisoo is inside getting something for us to eat so come and sit while we wait for lisa " i said " ne! " after 5 minutes we were eating until jisoo saw lisa " oh? Is that lisa? Oh its lisa lisa! " we looked at the direction that unnie was pointing at and indeed it was lisa " Yah! Why did... you eat without me " she said catching her breath " you were slow so we started to eat without you don' t worry we still havetime left " i said to her while i took a look at my wrist watch we were running late! " Hey guys... " i said to them " whats up? " jisoo unnie said " were running late we only have 8 minutes until school " they looked at their wrist watch shocked " WE BETTER RUN FOR IT " Lisa said running " HEY MAKNAE WAIT FOR YOUR UNNIES! " we said running after her.... After running suddenly lisa bumped into someone and that someone is.....