Love at first sigh

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{ Jin's POV }
I went to class with the gang and when class stared i noticed that jungkook is giving something to a girl the girl looks familiar and thats when it hit me she is the girl that kookie bumped into he is propably asking her something i didn't pay too much attention to them and kept my attention in class after class i looked around the room and saw jungkook talking to her she smiled at him but what made my gaze at the back is a beautiful girl she is looking at jungkook and what it looks like is her friend i just kept looking at her i don't really know why though she just looked pretty after looking at her she finally noticed me and looked at me with a glare not just a ordinary glare more like a death glare then i got scared and looked away time passed and it was lunch time and jungkook wants to sit where l-lisa? He said her name is Lalisa Manoban the gang dis not agree " jungkook you lets just sit at another table " namjoon said " No " jungkook replied " Jungkook- ah just listen at us okay? " Yoongi said " NO !!!! " Jungkook shouted that made us shocked " JUNGKOOK ! " Namjoon yelled " Yah lets jin hyung decide if we sit with them or sit at our own table " Hoseok said calmly " So jin hyung? " Taehyung asked " What? " i asked " What? About if we sit with the girls " Jimin said " Okay " I said "WHAT ?! " They shouted " I said okay plus let the younger what he wants lets go " i said with no emotion and they just followed me to their table and i saw her again jungkook said their group name is Blackpink but i dont know why but their group name is Badass after we walked to their table and started eating and they were talking a certain question got my attention " Who are you why were you staring at me " that question repeated in my head " so why do keep staring at me ? " everyone looked at me so i had to answer well you just looked beautiful and that caught my eye " Oh i was looking at you and well you look ugly i mean im the most handsome and pretties guy here in the world. Plus why would i look at a UGLY like you? " i said and she stood up and walked away i kept my cool on the outside but in the inside i was panicking and every single girls followed her maybe comforting her i just made the worst impression of a beautiful girl and the gang gave me a look ' Im going to ask tons of question ' face " Hyung i have a question " Jungkook said " IF ANY OF YOU ASKED ME A QUESTION OF TODAYS EVENTS ILL KILL ALL OF YOU AND MAKE YOU SUFFER IM IN A BAD MOOD SO DON'T MAKE IT WORST GOT IT?! " i said super pissed " Ye-yes h-hyung! " they said shuttering and i left the cafeteria and gave them a look ' Dont follow me or your dead ' and left to find her and apologize after looking i saw her at the back of the school with her friends i walked up at them and they stood up and gave me a death glare " what do you want? " lisa said " Im sorry " i bowed and looked at them they seem confuse " Im sorry im in a bad mood and i didn't mean to say your ugly the truth is your so beautiful that i can't take my eyes of off you and i really didn't mean to say it im really sorry ill buy you food as much as you want i know an apology is not enough so im sorry ! " i bowed like ten times and they looked at me and smiled i was shocked " its okay im fine that you said sorry oh im Jisoo Kim Jisoo " She said jisoo what a beautiful name " Im jennie Jennie Kim nice to meet you " Cute " Im Park Chaeyoung but call me rosé " Rosé cute nickname " im Lisa Lalisa Manoban " she said " Im Jin Kim seokjin Nice to meet all of you " i said " Annyeong blackpink immida " they said i smiled and left Kim jisoo she looks beautiful. Kim jisoo i like her maybe even love maybe love at first sight is true...

{ To be continued }

Hi im not really sure if i should continue this story but if you like it please comment if you want more

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