T h e D e a d l i n e

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Copyright © 2017 by HanJiIsLove

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.

Plagiarism is crime.

H A N J I I S L O V E 


The last thirty days of his life..

"He commits..."

Ever since that unwanted weird dream happened, my life changed its pace. I glance from a far, not knowing why, but all I know is I feel bothered because of him.

And with that, I've decided to make a move. Reaching him is tough and hard. Talking with him seems impossible, he's a distance monster, in fact.

"It's a pity, you pity him.."


Seeing and thinking with concern of the undeserved life for an aloof flower that tried to bloom in a such a wrong timing doesn't mean It's a pity.

"Do you know what makes an alone rabbit to decide in his future?" He said without looking.

I glanced at him in curiosity, asking. "What?"

He smiled bitterly. "He choose to die than contemplating a world without his another. Even there's humans, it's still not enough to understand the being who can only be understood by an another same being."

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"It only means, the one who cannot understand the another one, it's just useless. For the one who experience a deep drowning depression to the someone who doesn't." He sighed heavily. "You can't heal someone like that."

"I object." I defended. "It doesn't mean that the one who doesn't have experience means he or she cannot heal someone's fragile heart. "

He chuckled. "So.. How?"

"By love."

He instantly gave me his questioning look. "How the 'love' you say you can heal them? Saying you love them?"

"It's the feeling." I muttered confidently. "Love cannot be prove by just a word but also to let someone know you cares and cherish them."

"I doubt that.." He commented. I chuckled a bit, winning my guess that he would really say that.

"I'll prove it to you.." I said, smiling at him. "I'll prove it until you'll believe me."

"..In what way?" He asked. His eyes screams in sadness.

"See that star?" I said pointing out the sky. He followed and find the star I'm talking about. "I promise, you'll definitely know after the deadline."


But who knows? If you're still there for me to tell you all of this..


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The DeadlineTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon