How you guys met

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- you were at a concert and this kid bumped into you
- he made you spill you drink
- bought you another one
- you guys talked for a while
- he asked for your number
- you gave him your number (what a bad mistake)

- you met at a buba café
- he ordered the same drink as you
- you guys sat together and talked for hours
- at first he was shy but he opened up after 6 mins
- he thought you were the most interesting person he ever talked to
- you guys exchanged phone numbers
- he added you on snapchat
- you add him back

- you and Wyatt went to school together since pre school
- he was always being a smart ass in class
- you were shy and quiet
- he has always liked you
- one day you got him as a partner for a project
- you went to his house to work on it and he kissed you
*I'm soft for Wyatt and jae*

- she was taking pictures for a magazine cover
- you helped set up
- she wanted to have fun while shooting so you guys took silly pictures
- you guys became besties

- you both were at a party
- you were sitting alone during a slow song
- he asked you to dance with him
- while you guys were dancing he sang to you
- you asked for his number and you guys talk all the time

- jack went to the bathroom at school
- it was the girls
- he didn't notice
- you walked out of the shall and said "EXCUSE ME ASSHOLE THIS IS THE GIRLS ROOM"
- " oh...Shit!! Not again..."
- you laughed

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