them as colleges

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A/n: I've been doing these stupid college interview all summer and I don't even want to go to the colleges that want me. Plus I'm only just now going to 9th grade in September so idk

- Michigan State university
- I love Michigan I grew up here but I want more than farmer markets and raising chickens for my future kids
- not saying it's bad but I just don't like small towns

- Delta
- I've been to Delta three times and it's a nice school my mom went there but it's all about STEM for girls but I wanna to major in film & media studies
- If I did go to Delta I would major in computer science because I'm interested in that as well

- Saginaw Valley State university
- it's a college in the town I'm living in
- it's a great college
- but I want to go film and I have to go LA or NYC for that

- honestly me thinking about online college
- but it's not very good
- the credits barely count

- me not going at all
- I have to pay for my own tuition fees without help
- plus I have to either live on campus or in a apartment

- taking a gap year
- I might take a gap year if I go out of state because it would be cheaper if I lived in the state for a year
- plus I could save money to pay for my first year and half of my second of year
- with the help of a few scholarship that I get of being an African American female

(If you want to know you chances if getting a scholarship I can tell you based of on your race, religion, sexual orientation, and  gender)

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