Christmas thing you two do together

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This is my YouTube video so if you want to check it out please do

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- You guys go on walks in the snow

- Look at all the lights and decorations

-go skiing

- You fall many times

- Finn helps you up


- you guys cuddle by the fireplace

-drink Hot Chocolate

- Eat Christmas Cookie

- Binge watch all home alone movies

-jaeden falls asleep during the second movie


- You guys go sledding

- he falls off

-twist his ankle

- Eats hospital food

-watches How The Grinch Stole Christmas


- he keeps you warm

-drives you around because he just got his permit

- Constantly asks if you want his coat

- sings to you

- you listen to his silly stories


- you guys exchanged gifts

- she dances to Christmas music

- You cheer her on

- You guys make cake and a gingerbread house


- you guys go ice skating

-your freezing your boobs off

- "I told you to bring an extra coat"

- you roll your eyes

- you push jack onto the ice face first

- he doesn't get hurt sadly

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