wish granted

298 16 5

In which Soonyoung needs to stay up late at night to finish his research and Seokmin, being the good boyfriend that he is, brings him coffee and decides that if Soonyong would stay up late, then he will too.


9:46 p.m.
Babe, I miss you :(

9:52 p.m.
Babe, you ain't done yet?

10:02 p.m.
BAAABE, I love you

10:10 p.m.
10:10 to see babe asap and babe's kisses

10:13 p.m.
I miss you (╥﹏╥)

10:14 p.m.
Seokku, sorry (╥﹏╥) I was doing my research and it is due tomorrow ┻━┻ ︵ヽ('Д')ノ︵ ┻━┻ I miss you so much and I love you (♥ω♥*) I'll make it up to you tomorrow, is that okay?

10:15 p.m.
10:15 to be with Seokku asap

10:16 p.m.
10:16 coffee and still Seokku

10:17 p.m.
__ 10:15
__ 10:16

10:17 p.m.
babe? wdym?

Soonyoung continued doing his work while waiting for Seokmin. He's thinking that Seokmin might have already fallen asleep or is probably taking his shower. He had done two and a half pages when his phone beeped again.

10:37 p.m.
✔ 10:15
✔ 10:16

and then there was someone knocking on his door

Soonyoung sent a quick "babe?" to Seokmin and he went for the door only to be greeted by the blinding smile of none other than his boyfriend.

"Hi, Seokku and coffee for Kwon Soonyoung. Am I in the right house?"

Soonyoung, instead of answering, just hugged him tight.

"I'll take that as a yes" Seokmin added with a chuckle.

They're now seated on the couch, knees touching, Seokmin's arm around Soonyoung as they were sipping their coffee.

"So that's what those checks meant hm? You're like santa now, then? granting wishes?" Soonyoung asked while giggling.

"I'm a Santa only for you, babe. Can I have my 10:10 now then?"
Seokmin countered with a pout and if there is someone who easily gives in to Seokmin's pouts, it has to be Soonyoung. So without needing to be told twice, Soonyoung showered Seokmin's face with kisses. He started off with his forehead, then his eyes, cheeks, nose, then his lips, which has Seokmin smiling like a fool.

Seokmin suddenly cupped Soonyoung's face
"As much as I love your kisses and cuddling with you, you have a research to finish, babe"

"You're staying?" Soonyoung asked and it was not hard to see his eyes sparkle.

"Of course, babe. I'll be here all night" and then Seokmin kissed Soonyoung sweetly on the lips only to pull away seconds later, because yes, Soonyoung has a research to finish.

Two hours had already passed and Seokmin is now sitting on Soonyoung's carpeted floor while staring at him. He had stolen a few shots of Soonyoung with his phone while he was busy typing. He also played on his phone while waiting for Soonyoung to finish and now he chose to just stare at his boyfriend.

"Jason Mraz said in his song that some stars fall to the earth, I think I know where one went" Seokmin was the first to disrupt the comfortable silence between them.

"Huh? Where?"

"Here, right in front of me"

"Seokkuuuuuuuuuuuu~" Soonyoung called cutely while blushing and he even threw a pillow from the couch to Seokmin, which the other easily avoided. Seokmin just chuckled while Soonyoung just hid his face with his laptop and typed his blush away.

It was almost 3 a.m. when Soonyoung saved his work and closed his laptop with a sigh of relief.

"Babe, let's sleep. I am so sleepy I could just sleep right here right now"

Seokmin, who just finished cleaning up their mess on the small table, went to Soonyoung and carried him, one arm on his back and the other under his knees.

"Y-yah, I can walk you know" Soonyoung said but the way he buried his face on Seokmin's chest just mde Seokmin chuckle and hold him tighter.

"I know but we wouldn't want you tripping on the way to bed, don't we?"

And all Soonyoung could afford to give as a reply was a hum and and an I love you and then he was dozing off to sleep.

"Goodnight, babe. I love you" and Seokmin thinks if the wish he granted was really Soonyoung's or his own.

Eitherway, it was still a wish granted.

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