Aston Merrygold Fanfic - Just Friends?

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Part 1:

*Normal POV*

Sighing I started out my window. Within a day I would have to move to Peterborough and leave everything behind just because of my dad's stupid new job. I don't understand why he couldn't just stay here in London where everything was.  After 14years of living here, I had to move right near the start of Year  10 . Great.  Let me explain. I'm Shannen Walsh 14 years old (15 soon!) and I have lived in London pretty much my entire life, my family are rather rich my dad is a famous producer and songwriter and my mum is a actress i hate this. A few weeks ago, they told me we were moving just because of their 'jobs'. How great. I knew absolutely NOBODY in Peterborough and had to start a new school within a week of living there.  I stared around my room it was completely empty all my posters and belongings had been packed away. My phone starting ringing playing Drake - HYFR seeing the caller ID i sighed it was Hannah my best friend probably our last day ever together. "Heeey!" i shouted down the phone. "Right..Okay see you in an hour." Forget my worries, I had to have the BEST day ever with Hannah. Quickly, I had a shower using coconut scented shower gel, as the water went down the drain all the stress with moving tomorrow went with it too. I climbed out using one towel for my body and one for my hair.  Searching through my walk in wardrobe, yes you heard right walk in wardrobe after 10minutes of struggling i picked out a outfit I changed into them then applied makeup going for the natural look as i wasn't bothered to do anything more. Taking my towel off my hair, i began to blow dry it. I was actually really fed up with my hair. New house means new haircut. From black to red... I like it. BRINGGG. Quickly, i shoved my phone,ipod,keys,purse etc and raced to the door. "Woah.. your hair Shan!" squealed Hannah. I just smiled. Shutting the door i linked arms with her and headed for the closest shopping centre going into JD.  I noticed a pair of trainers that were AMAZING. "Oh My Gosh I have to try them on!" i said to Hannah. "And i need to try theses babies on!" Hannah exclaimed pointing to Doc Martins. Laughing I rushed over to my trainers, they were GORGEOUS not watching where i was going i bumped into someone. "Sorry!" we said at the same time. I looked up, he was the most perfect boy I had ever seen in my lifetime. He had deep brown eyes as well as straight spiky hair with a green beanie covering it, he was wearing loose yellow jeans and a hugs not drugs t-shirt. I was in LOVE! "Sorry" i repeated. "I'm Shannen" i smiled.  "No worries babe, I'm Aston" he smiled back. Even his name was perfect. Soon enough, Hannah was pulling me away apparently i had been over there for 10minutes. "Bye!" i shouted out. This had to be the best day of my life.

*Aston POV*

"Bye!" she shouted being pulled away from a girl with long blond hair in a fish tail, dressed in a 'born to party' blue vest top and demin jeans. They looked like sisters even though Shannen had told me they were just friends. Shannen she was perfect. Her fiery red hair was beautiful plaited in the middle she was wearing a patterned vest top and demin ripped jeans and pink converses. It looked AMAZING on her. I found my self lost in her gorgeous light brown eyes when she spoke "Sorry, I'm Shannen." Wow. Only if i lived in London! I didn't ever want to say bye to her, but she had to go. Coming to London for the weekend was the best thing that has happened to my in my life. "Aston, hurry up man!" called Connor. I rolled my eyes and headed out the store away from her.

*Normal POV*

"Whats your problem?!" i snapped at Hannah after she had dragged me away. "We were talking!" Hannah laughed sarcastically. "Really just talking... not flirting or anything?" "Pfft.. this is my last day Hannah!" We both burst out laughing linking arms as we headed out of the store. After shopping with LOADS of bags, it was time to go to the spa! Excited we rushed inside to the front desk. "Spa treatment for Shannen Walsh and Hannah District" i smiled to the lady kindly. We were lead into a room we chose our face masks and sat down. We applied it and we had cucumbers on our eyes! I always wanted to try that. What was even better we were getting massaged at the same time! "Soo.. that boy spill?" Hannah asked. "Not much to tell, we bumped into each other and he was ABSOLUTELY GORGEOUS and i said I'm sorry and introduced myself and he said no worries and his name is Aston" i sighed happily at his name. "You've got it baaaaaad!!" teased Hannah. "Do not." "Do too." "Do not." "Do too. "Ive got a present for you!" Hannah said. "Hannah you didn't have to!" She handed me a velvet box, i opened it it was half a friendship neckless  i saw she was wearing the other half "Aww," i smiled hugging her. Soon enough, i was heading home after brushing my teeth and changing into theses Tomorrow and I would be gone. I closed my eyes falling into deep sleep.

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