Chapter 2

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*Hannah POV*

BEEP BEEP! Yawing I stretched my arms and climbed out of bed and switched my alarm off. 19th August. The day my best friend since forever would move. I was angry but hid my feelings from her but i was more upset. I had a surprise for her since i would never see her again. We had enough time,she was only leaving at 2;30 I had already discussed it with her parents. She would love it!

*Normal POV*

My alarm on my blackberry went off ringing in my hand Nicki Minaj - Starships. 9am! It was too early. But i wanted to spend as much time with Hannah as possible today before I had to say..goodbye. We were going Nandos first yummy my favourite. When i was just wrapping a towel around me from coming out of the shower my phone started to ring once again. "Hey Hannah." "Hey Shan, i just remembered i promised my cousin i'd show her around till 11:30 today sorry." I bit my lip. Less time together. "Its alright babe, more time to get ready!" "Thanks your the BEST, see you soon." Hanging up the phone i glanced at the time 9:15 only 2hours or less to get ready!

*Hannah POV*

I wish my cousin wasn't going back tomorrow! I really wanted to spend all my time with Shannen to distract her from the surprise! Changing into my dressing gown i wrapped a towel around my hair it was still wet. I searched my wardrobe for the perfect outfit, cute but casual. Hm. I decided on this and used that makeup I quickly sprayed the hair art spray at the back of my wavy blond locks. After applying makeup, I sprayed my perfume and picked up my bag shoving the normal stuff in it. I glanced at the clock 9:45. Vicky (my cousin) was ready time to get this over and done with.

*Hour later*

Me and Vicky were both starving! I knew i said i would eat lunch with Shan but i was really craving for Nandos! Searching every corner, we eventually found a Nandos and rushed into it;. Ah finally the sweet smell of Nandos. Great no tables were free. Then i spotted one with only two people sitting there, the one with straight spiky hair and tanned skin wearing a dark grey button up shirt with the first few buttons undone and beige chinos. Hm. "Hey can we sit here?" i smiled. They both looked up and the boy with tanned skin said "Sure go for it." We smiled and sat down. That's when i remembered him Aston from the store! "Your Aston right?" i asked. "Im Hannah Shannen's best friend, the girl in JD." i smiled at them.

*Aston's POV*

"Your Aston right?" "I'm Hannah, Shannen's best friend the girl from JD" she said. A huge grin appeared on my face just her mentioning her. I know i had only spoke to Shannen for like 5minutes but i couldn't get her out of my head. Everything about her was amazing. Maybe i could get to know her better through her best friend. Hannah had deep crystal blue eyes, her wavy blond hair was left out and she had red,blue,green highlights at the end of her hair, she wore a sleeveless light pink top with straps and buttons covering it with colourful cardie and she had ripped shorts on and a black and pink hat saying 'RECKLESS.' I wish Shannen was with her i really do. "Right we're gonna order." she smiled getting up. "Allow me," i said standing up. "Well if your sure." she said telling me their order. I was back with their food within 10minutes. "You know i think Shan would really appreciate it if you would come to her leaving party shh its a surprise don't tell her." she said. "Really? I'd love to!" i grinned. "Cool exchange numbers and i'll text ya the details." she said. We swapped numbers. This had to be the best day of my life! Wait she was leaving? Soon enough they finished eating "Do you know the time?" she asked. "Erm..yeah 11:10." "Okay we really gotta go, have to meet up with Shan." "Bye!" she shouted. "Bye and thanks!" I replied. I really owned her.

*Normal POV*

I walked into my walk in closet, what to wear it just had to be BRILLIANT being my last day in London of course. After 10minutes I gave up. Grabbing my blackberry i scrolled down to 'Hannah' and clicked call. And waited. Voice mail. Just Great. That was rather strange, Hannah always answered to me even if she was busy. Her phone was probably just off. Lucky my mum was good at putting together the perfect outfits we decided on this: I then brushed my red hair with two small plats at the front. After applying makeup i was ready. Just needed to wait for Hannah. Anytime now. I rushed to the door when the doorbell was ringed REALLY loud. "Woah your out of breath." i said staring at Hannah. "So..Sorry..I'm..Late." she said in between breaths. "No worries, your not anyway." i said "Come in." "You look like you could really need a drink." i laughed. She nodded her head quickly. I grabbed J20 and handed her one. "Shopping?" i asked linking arms with her smiling.

*2 hours later*

"SURPRISE!" everyone shouted. I grinned like a fool from ear to ear. How sweet! It was obvious who planned this. "Hannah, you shouldn't have!" i insisted. "No i had to!" she smiled as we leaned in for a hug. I couldn't wait to surprise her and return the favour later tonight . Rita Ora-RIP started playing throughout the speakers so loud the walls shaked. I glanced down at my jeans and Hannah's shorts. You couldn't party REALLY hard in theses could you? Running up the stairs we quickly rushed into my room, i let my hair down loose and brushed it through reapplying my makeup as well as Hannah did. I quickly found something which would suite Hannah and something similar for me. We wore this (Shannen's; 1st one). We ran down the stairs and partied hard.

*30 mins later*

I'm going toilet!" i told Hannah. "WHAT?" she shouted over the music. "I'M GOING TOILET" i shouted back. As i was heading towards the toilet, i bumped into someone. "Sorry!" i apologised. "No worries" the familiar voice replied. I looked up and smiled. "Aston!" "What are you doing here?" i asked confused yet over the moon. "Hannah invited me" he smiled making me go weak in the knees. "Well Thank you so much!" i smiled. "SORRY WHAT?" he shouted. "THANK YOU SO MUCH!" i shouted. "Wanna see my bedroom?" i asked. "Sure."

*2 hours later*

Hours later and we knew EVERYTHING about each other. I could only just manage to hide my feelings after being with him for two hours. Then slammed open the door. "Shannen!" "Ive been looking for you everywhere!" Hannah said. "Sorry lost track of time," i grinned at her. Her eyes flickered from me to Aston and she grinned straight at me. "Well about time you two came downstairs were having cake." she said. "Count me in!" we said in sync jumping up causing us all to burst into hysterics.

*Hannah POV*

I grinned as Shannen and Aston exchanged numbers. I knew she would love to see him here they were PERFECT for each other. "BOO!" a voice shouted making me jump. "Conor!" i shouted. "Hannah!" he copied. Conor was Aston's younger brother and Ive got to admit he was pretty darn cute shame he lived in Peter borough not London. Another surprise for Shan! 3 hours together and it was like me and Conor knew each other our entire lives. "Im sooo gonna get you!" i said as i chased him around the house. After an hour of banter and that, I realised I spent sooo little time with Shan. When it was 2;10, i ran over to her and hugged her. "Im soooo sorry I spent so little time with you." i apologised "Don't worry we'll be spending alot more time together." she smiled. "But how you'll be in Peter borough by late morning." i asked perplexed. "Well... there's a spare bedroom and I asked mum if you could come with us and she said yes and your parents have already packed your stuff and everything!" she explained. "No WAY!" I shouted hugging her tightly. What did I have to loose after all? At that moment, my parents arrived with my suitcase's. I hugged them loads and loads and said goodbye. "You ready to go?" asked Ms Walsh. "Yup thanks so much!" i said once again.

*3 hours later*

Opening my eyes i could see we had  at last arrived in Peter borough.

Sorry it took ages to upload this its a long part and ive been busy recently but i'll make it up to you tomorrow!

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