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"Jewel! Jewel" I turn around to see Avery dodging past people in the corridor trying to get to me.

"Oh hi Ave"

"That's it? "Oh hi Ave" is all I get? Where were you? I've been worrying all day"

"I just missed a few classes" I mumble

"Oh yeah you just missed, Herbology your favourite subject, Divination , DADA , Charms and literally every other class we had today."

"I'm sorry but if it makes you feel any better I got caught and I now have detention until I catch up so I really don't need you to lecture me." I snap.

"What is your problem lately? You've been so stressed and anxious all the time and I don't get why because you literally have the best life."

"Oh do I?" I scoff.

"Pretty much. I mean you have a loving boyfriend who quite literally fought a stalker for you, a brother who adores you, one of the wealthiest pure blood families and you do well in school. So what is it that you are so upset about please just tell me. I am begging you please just tell me why you've been so... depressed."

Towards the end of her speech she actually sounded quite emotional and I could see the tears well up in her eyes.

"Aw Avery I don't want to be a problem for you. Or Draco. Or Blaise. I've been fine just stressed with school and everything with um..."

"Longbottom?" She said stroking my shoulder.

"Er yeah."

"You know I'm always here for you right? You're my best friend and all I want is for you to share your problems with me. I might not be able to fix the problem but I will try my hardest to put a smile back on your face."

"I know Ave and I love that about you but I don't want to cross the line of having problems into being a problem. You and Draco both do so much for me and I worry that I ruin things for you."

"Jewel don't be daft. We both love you so much and to be fair he was your brother before he was my boyfriend." She chuckled

"I just feel like you two are constantly interrupted by my problems. Like at the Yule Ball and yesterday when Blaise you know and literally every time we go to Hogmeade."

"We wouldn't be able to have a good time anywhere if we knew that somewhere you were suffering."

I smiled weakly and we walked to the common room together.

As we walked I thought about what she had said and she was right. She and Draco both would never be at peace if she knew what went on between Blaise and I. Deep down I was hoping one of them would notice and step in and I would tell them everything about Blaise and Neville, and I would finally be free but I don't want to be free if it means that they will never be free of me or the guilt of not noticing sooner. They would never have a good time if I was suffering and therefore they would never know.

We reach the common room and I brace myself for the questions at least one of the boys will have about me skipping classes.

"Why weren't you in classes today?" Blaise asked as I sat down next to him.

"Wait you weren't in classes today?" Draco looks round to me.

"Yeah I didn't feel so well but I got caught. I've got detention everyday at 6:30 until I get caught up with everything." I look at Draco so he doesn't say anything about the morning.

"Oh well I can walk you to your detention later , yeah?" Blaise says stroking my leg.

"Yeah if you want. Wouldn't want to cause you any trouble." I try and make him change his mind.

"No don't be stupid it's fine."

"Well I'm actually just going to go to the library and pick up some books to see if I can get my detention over quicker so I'll see you all at dinner?"

I walk down to the library and I pick out a few books. I don't actually need these detentions as I am miles ahead of my classmates in most classes but I didn't want to lose anymore house points for interrupting McGonagall for a second time.

"Jewel" I hear someone say my name softly from a more secluded part of the library.

"Who is it?"I whisper.

"Me" Neville pops out.

"Neville what are you doing? This is so dangerous. If anyone sees us-"I begin to panic.

"They won't. I just needed to know that you were okay."

"Of course I'm okay. Now do you have a death wish? Everyone thinks that you stalk me."

"I'm not afraid of Zabini. You shouldn't be either."

"Hah that's rich. He literally put you in hospital yesterday."

"You don't mean it."

"Don't mean what Neville? I don't have time for riddles." I say looking around.

"When you say you hate me and love him."

"And how would you know?" I say defensively.

"Fine. Prove it. Look me in the eyes and tell me you hate me and I'll leave you alone."

"I can't" I say looking at the floor.

"Exactly." I cant look at him. "Jewel I think you are incredible. You are one of the smartest, funniest and strongest people I know. Yet you let him abuse like you're his property. He doesn't deserve you."

I tilt my head up and he leans in.We kiss. I feel fireworks that I never feel with Blaise. I feel like we just fit yet I push him away.

"That didn't happen."I say breathlessly "Or we're both dead."

I run. As fast and as far as I can go I run.

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