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I lay in bed for as long as I could before a house elf came in and got me.

"Erm Miss Jewel your father wants you downstairs"

"Yes thank you Dobby. I'll be down in a minute"

I love Dobby but I hate how unfairly he is treated or any house elf for that matter but I will never speak up because i am way too shy to start a protest or make a scene.

I sit on the edge of my bed looking at my room just thinking.....

"Why aren't you ready?" Draco burst in to my room

"Draco you scared me" and then all of the feelings i had been pushing down for weeks just came out and i burst in to tears.

"Hey hey come here" Draco came over and put his arm around my shoulder "Why are you crying? Is it because of Hogwarts? You know i wouldn't let anyone hurt you?"

"Draco i know but everyone stares at us because of my hair and what if i don't get put in to Slytherin?"

"Don't worry. The only thing you need to worry about right now is getting dressed. Father is downstairs and you know he doesn't like waiting. As for the other things you're overthinking. Now get dressed."

"But Draco you know what everyone says."

"Ignore them"

"I can't really ignore that everyone says that I was kidnapped from the Weasley's and that the dark lord told Mother and Father to raise me so that i could be a loyal death eater."

"Jewel when you were born the dark lord was already dead so it's obviously not true. You are fine. Jut get dressed"

With that Draco kissed my head and left me. I am so lucky to have a protective brother. I gently stood up to get dressed. I threw on a black skirt and a black lace top. As i slipped my shoes on i realised that every inch of my body was shaking with anxiety and fear.

"JEWEL!" My father was starting to get impatient.

I didn't answer back i just hurried downstairs as quietly as possible. A house elf handed me my coat and I went and stood with my mother think

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