Chapter three.

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I blinked awake, feeling a nudge on my torso i grunted in response, snuggling deeper into something soft. My hands unconsciously patted on the soft something i had yet to learn of. I tugged a bit on it, hearing a groan. ''Pookie, that hurts but it's okay because you are so cute sleeping so it's alright..'' Sean? I finally opened my eyes, seeing that i was snuggled up on Seans head while he was sitting up. My body could only fit up on his head because i was curled up in a ball, and what i had tugged on was his hair. My face started to blush, a big red color spreading itself over my face.

''Se-sean! i didn't mean to.. are you alright? Oh my- oh my! i'm sor-ry'' My stuttering voice was cut off by Sean lifting me up so i could sit on his palm, he also had the audacity to laugh at me. Me being me, i didn't notice the seven burning glares on Dr. Sean. 

I looked around noticing the different scenery. Squinting my eyes to see better, while also turning around i see that we're in some sort of living room. Dr. Sean was currently seated on a beige sofa with Mr. Blackbourne that smiled his Millimeter smile. The other boys were looking at me with a curious expression, except for Gabriel whose eyes were trained on my clothes with a small glare.

I simply raised my eyebrow at Gabriels antics. He just stared even harder at me. I finally got enough of Gabriels stare, ''Gabriel erm, so why are you staring at my clothes or well leaf clothes?'' The others just stared at Gabriel, so when he started to blush i just giggled and the others laughed too, except for Luke because he giggled too.

''Fuck trouble, you don't even know. Those clothes are so horrible i can't even right fucking now.'' He waves a hand in my direction. It was then i realized that he was doing something with his hands, he was holding some sort of fabric, something alike to thread and a needle? ''Gabriel,'' I said pausing to move around on Seans palm so i could dangle my legs down, ''What are you doing?'' 

He just looked up at me and smiled, his blue eyes shining even deeper. Cue the blush. ''Well you see trouble, this very amazing, hell even handsome lad is making you clothes! Or sewing you clothes?'' I used my wings to fly over to him, touching the fabrics. Some of the fabric was made up of something that was blue, and a bit rough to the touch. A pink silky fabric, and some lace trim. The thread was made up of some whites and beiges. Shifting in the light. I put my finger up to my lower lip, pressing down. Raising one of my eyebrows i asked, ''Well what are you going to make? I mean.. how do you know its gonna fit me?'' A deeper warm blush spread its way over my cheeks, making me look down at him from under my eyelashes. 

''So i was thinking i could take the measurements needed, write them down so i have them if i even need to make more, which i know i fucking do. But i could just freelance if thats what you want-'' I interrupted him by saying, ''No no- i mean uh you can take the measurements if needed.. but how do you exactly take the erm, measurements needed?'' 

''Hell trouble you are just- the only one. I shall use the tape measure! I mean, i will use something called a tape measure, you can get your measurements by using it? I can measure how wide or long my arm is for example.'' Hmm, sounds useable? 

''Just don't fucking hurt my sang baby, or else Gabe.'' North growled out, i just huffed at him. If only i was a human, i'd show him I'm not some delicate fairy! i mean i am a fairy, but i am not delicate- maybe i am but who cares! While i was having that inner debate in my head, i didn't realize that i had been growing in size. I now stood tall at 5.3. The others just looked shocked, North had his eyes almost falling out. The pen Kota was using to chew on fell down onto his lap. Mr blackbournes glasses fell down slightly on his nose, looking crooked. Lukes ice-cream fell down from atop its cone, while Nathans sport magazine was suddenly torn to shreds. The others just stared, and stared. Gabriels pin fell down, the light ping! is all that could be heard, not even any breathing could be heard. 

''Well, that was unexpected.'' Mr blackbourne muttered, slightly agape still.

My clothes had now been replaced with a white skirt ending at my knees and a light yellow blouse with lace trimming at the ends. Hair cascading down my shoulders made me slightly uncomfortable, looking down i see how long it actually is, to my ankles. My wings long gone, having seemingly disappeared with my small form. The only thing that was left was the sharp pointy teeth, i knew because i dragged my tongue along them ''Trouble- you-'' Gabriel was interrupted by Sean hugging me from behind, cooing slightly at how cute i was.


I was now sitting at a big oval shaped table with the boys, my little stunt having been 'too much to deal with,  i think i need some food to digest the shock with, if you know what i mean.' of course, everyone started laughing at that. I joined in some time later, understanding the joke better. Our dinner consisted of some greek salad, approved of by Silas. Meatloaf, mashed potatoes and some other cooked veggies. My portion wasn't much, but i think it'd make me full.

Taking my first bite of the meatloaf, i was stared down but i just ignored them. I hadn't used any forks or knifes ever for that matter, so Kota had to teach me, i learned soon after. Making sure my fork was full of everything of the plate, i place it inside my mouth. Taking a bite, just as the food hit my tongue, i was bombarded with different flavors complementing each other just perfectly. Making me moan quietly, it was the best food i had ever tasted. It being the first time in this time i had ever tasted granted, but still.

After i had taken my first bite, everyone seemed to start eat too, small conversations starting along the table. One being about what to eat for dessert, North being against it fully but everyone wanted dessert so North had to back down, begrudgingly. I looked out of the window, seeing the sun setting down. Shining a gentle glow against us, i looked at the boys basking in the sunset, they looked absolutely gorgeous. I pursed my lips thinking of many things at once, i had to ask Gabriel if he could possibly cut my hair, it was simply too long.

But for now, i think i could manage. if i was just with them, here in the now. I would make sure nothing could come against us, no one could shatter what i was just beginning to get with these boys, friendship. And if they tried, there would be hell to pay. Shaking my head i wondered why those thoughts started coming, but i just shrugged them off, making sure to continue eating, silently observing them.

Hello guys! It's me again, and i have something to announce so please read on!

This is the longest chapter i have yet to publish of this fanfic, with a whole 1251 words (if you count away this..) and i'll try to continue publishing long chapters as these, since they're really fun to write too!

Plus, i wanted to come say - or write something else, i know i don't have a schedule on when i will update this fanfic, but i will try to update this as often as i can. (I know i said 1-2 chapters every week, but i will try to make more since- well why not.) I just don't want to rush things, and thats why I'm asking you guys if you like this fast paced story, or if you just want more slower paced chapters? Please tell me :p Either way, have a nice day- or night (or whatever) you have right now, and thanks for reading... <3

Words if you include this little message is, 1421 words.

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