Chapter One

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A powerfull, yet terryfing scream could be heard from any edge off the island. It felt like everything got slowed down. Chaos watched how his sister falls down and exhales her last breath. He was frozen. The only remaining member of his family died in front of him and he didn't do anything to save her. The group of speed stingers started growling. The grey one with went out of the group standing next to Tsunami's body, blood falling down from her teeth, claws and new earned scars. "I thought the strongest one gets the title of The Island Guardian" she laughed.
"Who are you... Where is the old alpha of your pack...?" those were the only things Chaos wanted to know at the moment. He could feel the hatred against that speed stinger getting bigger and bigger with every sharp breath it made.
"I am Midnight, the new alpha of this pack. I beated the old one in a battle, what a shame. We lost such a bad alpha and gained a new and powerful one that can be tituled as The Island Guardian now" she started laughing. Chaos kept looking at his sister's body. After few minutes of silence he looked at Midnight, eyes full of tears and hate. "You.. You monster.. You will regret it" he said. Midnight was pretty shocked. She knew who Chaos is, she was part of the speedstinger pack for a long time and saw the two nightfury siblings many times before. Chaos was a kind and playfull one, and from all the information she had he wasn't able to hurt a butterfly. "And what will you do?" Midnight asked "Play hide and seek with me and bore me to death?" Ha!" she blinked and the next thing she saw was Chaos' green plasma blast. She got hit by it and fell down but immeadietly got up, looking at him. His marking were glowing bright green and his eyes were shining gold. "DO YOU THINK I AM JUST A LITTLE BABY DRAGON? I AM NOT!" he screamed firing another plasma blast at Midnight. She dodged it but was immeadietly hit by a different one. "You can stay the new pack alpha, but you can't leave with The Island Guardian title" said Chaos. He turned around and left. Speed stinger pack was schocked, they all looked at Midnight who was slowly getting up from the ground. "Lets go and catch some fish, it wont be a good idea to follow the new guardian at this moment" said Midnight making her way to the beach to catch some salmons. Her pack followed her


Chaos ran away from the speed stinger pack, he knew he would die if he stayed there any longer. "Maybe I could destroy the pack from air.." he said to himself. Chaos jumped and wanted to fly, but immideatly fell down, caught in death song amber. Chaos growled as the death song stood in front of him. "LET ME GO! I DON'T HAVE TIME FOR YOUR JOKES MELODY!" he growled firing a plasma blast at Melody. "Chaos calm down. I understand your anger bur taking revenge won fix anything and it wont bring Tsunami back." she said in a really calm tone. "I DON'T NEED TO CALM DOWN! I AM CALM! YOU JUST NEED TO UNDERSTAND THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN BEING CALM AN-" Chaos didn't finish the sentence. "And almost killing the alpha of the speed stinger pack? Look Chaos I know you from the time you hatched and you know that. And something that I know you would never do is killing somebody" said Melody. Chaos froze and started thinking about what he is doing. He sighed and Melody destroyed the amber he was caught in. Chaos sat down looking at Melody, tears and fear in his eyes. "You know Chaos, now that you are the new guardian, I feel like you wouldn't have a problem with training." said Melody after few minutes of silence. "Who would train with me.." he sighed. "I would! I might be a pranker but I do know how to fight" laughed Melody. "And will it be a problem if we started training right now..? I know its almost night already but... I think I should be ready to fight any time.." whispered Chaos, hoping his friend wont have a problem with it. "Of course we can! But one thing I would like to tell you, its always good to use the terrain you are fighting in against your opponent" said Melody, flying in the air. "Also I really liked how your markings were glowing when you were angry. That was really cool" she said looking down at her fury friend. "Yeah.. I am not sure how that happened but I liked it too" he answered while flying to Melody. They flied together for a while looking around the island. Melody taught Chaos a lot of tricks and gave him some tips. They had a little battle to see how much Chaos remembered.

Five months passed and the speed stinger pack started to get a little worried. They thought Chaos would come and try to destroy them, but he didn't. "I had enough of this. I am going back to that forest and deystroy whoever has the Islans Guardian title." growled Midnight and went to the forest, her pack following her. Something that she didn't knew was how much was Chaos training, and how hard it will be to spot a brown nightfury with green spots in this forest. They went really deep into the forest and stoped there. It was quiet for a while. Suddenly one of the speed stingers screamed and fell to the ground. "What are you doing? Get up!" before she finished her sentence other four stingers fell down, screaming painfully. The rest of the pack , except for Midnight, ran away. "Yeah just run and show how weak you are!" she screamed and then turn around. Here eyes met with Chaos' eyes. He was sitting in front of her. "Long time no see. I thought I'll have to get you myself, thanks for making it easier " he said, jumping into bushes and getting lost in the forest. Midnight followed him "WHY ARE YOU RUNNING AWAY? ARE YOU REALLY THIS WEAK?!" she laughed, but not for too long. She got shot by one of Chaos' plasma blasts. The plasma blast hit her leg and she had a problem with standing up. "There is something I would like to tell you. Leave this island and I wont kill you or your pack. If you don't then I'll make sure uncle death will visit you soon." said Chaos jumping down from the tree right next to Midnight. "Ok.. We will leave.. Just give me a time before my left leg heals." said Midnight. She had a problem with understanding that HE beated her. "Allright I got no problems with that just don't try to kill anybody." answered Chaos happily. He wouldn't be able to kill her and was hoping she'll answer the way she did. Chaos left Midnight in the forest. She stood up and slowly went to the beach to tell her pack what they must do in order to live. Her pack was really shocked but decided to listen to Chaos and left right after Midnight's leg was healed.
What happened after that to Midnight is Czechia's story o3o but Chaos kept training and practicing his battle tactics (setting the island on fire few times) to make sure he is ready for anything but even aftere that he stayed the playfull little fury that isn't able to hurt a buttefly.

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