Chapter Two

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"Mango? Mango!" Melody shouted as she flown around a lake her sliquifer friend lived in.
"Oh hello Melody! Its been a long time since we have seen each other. How's Chaos? I haven't seen him since he banished the speed stinger pack!" started the sliquifer right after Melody found them.
"Thats not important right now. I am actually searching for Chaos. He has been acting a lot differently since that happend. He is more closed to himself, not wanting to talk with anyone." sighed Melody
"Well I haven't seen him, but a group of terrible terrors that was here an hour ago had to leave one of the caves that is next to that flower place that Chaos used to spend a lot of time in. Oh and by the wa-" Mango couldn't finish the sentence because Melody was already on her way to that place.
"At least she could say "bye" or "thanks for the information Mango"" mumbeled Mango and dived back into the water.
It didn't take Melody an hour to find what she was looking for. She landed on the ground, hoping to see Chaos right after that. Instead she was met with eyes of a triple strike she has never seen before. It didn't attack her tho. The two stared at each other for a while not knowing how to react.
"This is kinda awkward.." suddenly said the triple strike.
"You aren't from this island. I have never seen you before and I DO know everyone that lives here so.. Whats your name and what brings you here?" answered Melody, hoping to get some reasons. The triple strike tried to stand up, but fell down immediatly. It must have been injured but Melody didn't care.
"I am Czechia and I am here because I had to leave my island thanks to a group of speed stingers. I don't want to stay here that much.. I will be here until my leg heals, then I'll leave" said the triple strike, hoping to avoid any other questions.
"Woah calm down and gimme a second to answer the questions. Yes the pack's alpha was a grey speed stinger and I think her name was Midnight but I am not sure.. And no I was hit by a green blast when I flew through the forest to see if I'll stay here or no. Oh and you haven't told me your name yet." said Czechia slowly.
"My name is Melody and you'll help me find a night fury that lives on this island no matter if you like it or no." she growled.
"I would if I could walk" growled Czechia back at Melody. There were around 15 minutes of silence between these two.
"Alright.. I think it would be better if I took you to Mango. They'll look after you and make sure your leg will heal properly." said Melody and helped Czechia to get to Mango. After that she decided to search for Chaos once again.


Chaos was full of rage, something he never experienced before. It was like it controlled him. He couldn't control himself. He was sitting by one of the lakes, placed high in the mountains of the island. It was a quiet place.
"CAW! CAW" something screamed.
"WHO IS THERE? AND WHAT DO YOU WANT?!" growled Chaos. He turned around, ready to destroy the dragon that was standinf behind him. Instead of a dragon he was met with a little crow.
"Tsunami.." Chaos said to himself. For some reason he thought of her when he saw it. He calmed down and was (thanfully) able to control himself once again. He slowly went to the crow, laid in front of it and watched it. It went to him and decided to lay next to his right front leg. It immediatly fell asleep. Chaos didn't wanted to wake it up, and he was tired too. He watched the bird for a while, then fell a sleep too.


It took Melody a while to find him, but she did at the end. She found him sleeping next to a small lake, placed high in hills. It took her a while to realize that there was a crow sleeping next to Chaos' right front leg. She layed down quietly few meters away from him, and watched him carefully. She was scared he'll attack her. She layed there for around half and hour, until the crow woke up. It immediatly started cleaning its feathers until it noticed the death song. Instead of screaming it hided under Chaos' wing, causing him to wake up
"Hey there flowerboy" giggled Melody, "I see you have a new friend."
"Oh yea.. This is Tsunami. I am not sure if she'll stay with me but I hope she will." mumbled Chaos.
"Look Chaos.. You have been acting strange lately... Is something wrong..?"
"Nothing... I am just not able to control my rage and I am scared I'll hurt anybody.. I already shot down a triple strike because of it!" answered Chaos to Melody's question.
"Oh.. I see.. But Tsunami seems like they have calmed you down" said Melody looking straight at the crow that was still hiding under Chaos' wing. "Why are you calling them Tsunami anyways..?"
"I just don't want to forget my sister... And she came to my mind right when I saw this crow." said Chaos. "Now please be so kind and let me sleep... I don't remember the last time I slept without nightmares..." growled Chaos hoping Melody will leave.
"Alright I'll leave you.., just one more thing.. That triple strike you shot was named Czechia, you broke her leg and she will stay on this island until it heals. She had to leave her island thanks to Midnight." said Melody and before Chaos could react she was already making her way back to Mango. Chaos was shocked, but tok tired to do anything. He decided to take a nap and then think about all that just happened. He climbed on one of the trees and decided to sleep there. Tsunami slept hidden under his wing.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2017 ⏰

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