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Day 13.

Raven's Christmas Spirit by BamaRose

Raven hummed that annoyingly catchy jingle bell tune as he removed the last tray from the fridge. He couldn't wait for the others to see what he was making. Then maybe Corey would stop nagging him about being in the Christmas spirit and Marc would stop calling him the Grinch.

He was no Grinch. He was not green and harry nor was he going around stealing Christmas trees. In fact he was making own Christmas trees. Carrying the tray into the living room Raven walked over to the coffee table sitting in the middle of the room. Stacked carefully on the surface were clear plastic cups full of a green substance. The cups were stacked into a general triangular shape. He grabbed the cups from the tray and stacked them carefully. Carefully adding the final cup Raven smirked and grabbed a red ribbon then began adding the final touches.


Placing a large star taped to a toothpick in the cup at the top of his tree Raven stepped back to admire his work. Just then the door swung open and his brothers walked into the room. Axel was the first to notice the new addition to the room. Halfway in the room on the way to the couch he froze and stared.

"Raven? What is this?" At his question the others walked in. His stack of cups were now decorated with ribbon, a strand of tea lights and of course the star.

"My tree obviously."

"That's a lot of cups." Corey said eyeing the stack wearily.

"I'm almost afraid to ask what's in them." Brandon muttered. Raven shrugged.

"You said I need Christmas spirit. So I made Christmas spirit."

"Are you telling me you filled that many cups up with green alcohol?" Axel asked in astonishment.

"Jello shots. Less mess and easier to stack." Raven grinned. Marc burst into laughter.

"Raven when I said Christmas spirit I meant joining in Christmas shopping and wrapping gifts maybe some decorating. I did not mean this kind of spirits!" Corey threw his hands up in the air. This made Marc laugh more and even Brandon couldn't help but snicker.

Raven merely shrugged.


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