Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

You eyes shot open when you felt something cold against your neck. A butcher knife?! Your ___ colored eyes widened in surprise and fear. Who had managed to get into your house and why are they attacking you?! It was out of your control, your body shook with fear and your thoughts were jumbled, you could hardly think straight and you weren't sure just what to do. You reached up and grabbed the wrist of the person that was holding the weapon to your neck and you tried with all your might to move the hand and weapon away but this person was very strong.

"Don't struggle, it will be over in moments," said a voice that belonged to the owner of the butcher knife. Your eyes shot up to look at the person but because of how dark your room is, they only looked like a shadow and you couldn't distinguish any features. The knife pressed into your neck more, causing you to gasp and close your eyes momentarily.

"W-Who are you?" you sputtered. The person laughed, a very loud and menacing sound that sent shivers down your spine.

"Who am I? You know exactly who I am.... I am Jack the Ripper," the man whispered into your ear, his breath smelt of alcohol and brought nothing but fear. You felt the hair on the back of your neck rise and goose bumps spread over your skin.

"N-No, you can't!" you shouted and cried out as the sharp metal dug into your skin. You could feel your blood dripping down your neck and into your hair and sheets that lined your bed. Terrified... that's the only word you could think of to describe how you felt at that moment.

"Once I finish with your neck, your abdomen will be next," whispered the man as he dug the weapon deeper into your neck. Black spotted your vision and you were finding it very hard to bleed. You started coughing, choking on your own blood.

'This can't be the end... not so soon!' you thought desperately.

"No!" you shouted and sat up quickly, sweat matted your face and body as you took deep breaths. Your pajamas clung to your sweaty body and your heart raced in your chest. You studied your empty dark room and quickly snapped the lamp on that sat on your bed side table. Carefully you pulled open one of your drawers and pulled out a pistol then stood from your bed. Very slowly you walked around your house, checking every closet and possible hiding spot there was but there was not a person in sight. The last place you had to check was your kitchen. With your pistol held in front of you, you took slow, cautious steps into the room. A thump was heard from your pantry, causing you to jump.

"Who goes there?" you called, your voice sounded braver than you felt. There was no answer; you tookslow steps over to the kitchen. You reached a hand out towards the door knob and gulped. You grabbed onto the object and flung the door open with your pistol pointed inside. No one was in there, just a bag of chips that had fallen from one of the shelves.

"It was just a dream and you are just getting paranoid because today you will be meeting up with SPJ members," you assured yourself and lowered the gun. The pressure was already getting to you and you didn't even know a thing about the case yet or any of the people involved. You lowered the gun to your side and leaned back against the counter, with your free hand, you moved your hair that was clinging to your sweaty face.
'Maybe I should have taken Matsuda's advice after all' you thought and poured yourself a glass of water. You picked up the glass and your pistol before returning to your room, you placed the pistol back into its hiding place.

"Well after that dream, I won't be able to go back to sleep," you told yourself and took a sip from your glass of water. You rubbed your neck warily even though you knew that there was no damage done to it, you still felt nervous. Now your eyes wandered over to the clock in your room, it read 2:34 a.m. You were going to have to meet the members of SPJ at 8:00 a.m. so you had to find something to occupy yourself till then.

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